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Different Default.png files for different targets in one project




I'm trying to set up a second target in my project, but when I drag the Default*.png files over to the Launch Images section of the target it tells me its going to overwrite the Default.png from my original target.

How do we add different launch images for different targets?

Before you answer, please understand I'm not looking for how to include different general files or images in different targets. I understand that, I'm specifically dealing with a problem regarding the Default.png launch images when I drag them onto the target pane's Launch Images section.

like image 400
Kenny Wyland Avatar asked Aug 14 '11 20:08

Kenny Wyland

1 Answers

In your info.plist for each project, you create a entry for UILaunchImageFile pointing to the launch image.

like image 151
Shane Powell Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10

Shane Powell