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iOS Swift, Enum CaseIterable extension




Im trying to write an extension for an enum that is CaseIterable so that i can get an array of the raw values instead of the cases, Im not entirely sure how to do that though

extension CaseIterable {

    static var allValues: [String] {
        get {
            return allCases.map({ option -> String in
                return option.rawValue

i need to add a where clause somehow, if i dont have a where clause i get an error saying 'map' produces '[T]', not the expected contextual result type '[String]'

Anyone know if there is a good way of going about this?

my enums i want this function to work on look a bit like this

enum TypeOptions: String, CaseIterable {
    case All = "all"
    case Article = "article"
    case Show = "show"
like image 922
Fonix Avatar asked Jan 31 '19 07:01


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1 Answers

Not all enumeration types have an associated RawValue, and if they have then it is not necessarily a String.

Therefore you need to restrict the extension to enumeration types which are RawRepresentable, and define the return value as an array of RawValue:

extension CaseIterable where Self: RawRepresentable {

    static var allValues: [RawValue] {
        return allCases.map { $0.rawValue }


enum TypeOptions: String, CaseIterable {
    case all
    case article
    case show
    case unknown = "?"
print(TypeOptions.allValues) // ["all", "article", "show", "?" ]

enum IntOptions: Int, CaseIterable {
    case a = 1
    case b = 4
print(IntOptions.allValues) // [1, 4]

enum Foo: CaseIterable {
    case a
    case b
// This does not compile:
print(Foo.allValues) // error: Type 'Foo' does not conform to protocol 'RawRepresentable'
like image 111
Martin R Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 13:10

Martin R