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Difference between unsigned and std_logic_vector




can anyone tell me about the difference between below written statement.

signal A: **unsigned**(3 downto 0);
signal B: **std_logic_vector**(3 downto 0);
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Kelvin Kalariya Avatar asked Jun 15 '17 04:06

Kelvin Kalariya

People also ask

What is a std_logic_vector?

The std_logic_vector type is used for arrays of std_logic variables and signals. The basic VHDL logic operations are defined on this type: and , nand , or , nor , xor , xnor . These must be given two arrays of the same size; they do the operation on ecah position and return another array.

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The Bit type is an idealized value. type Bit is ('0', '1'); std_logic is part of the std_logic_1164 package and provides more realistic modeling of signals within a digital system. It is capable of having nine different values.

Which package defines signed and unsigned data types?

The “signed” and “unsigned” data types are defined in the numeric_std package. To use “signed” and “unsigned” data types, we need to include the following lines in our code: 1 library ieee; 2 use ieee. std_logic_1164.

1 Answers

Both std_logic_vector and unsigned are unconstrained arrays of std_logic. As is the signed type. std_logic_vector is declared in the std_logic_1164 package; unsigned and signed are declared in the package numeric_std. All three types are identical; the only difference is their names.

So, what's the point of that? The point is well illustrated by an example:


variable U : unsigned(3 downto 0);
variable S : signed(3 downto 0);
variable I : integer;


U := "1111";
I := to_integer(U);

results in I being given the value 15, whereas

S := "1111";
I := to_integer(S);

results in I being given the value -1. This is because the unsigned type is used to represent an unsigned number, which can only be positive. So, "1111" represents the number 15. A signed type, however, needs to be able to represent negative numbers, too, and with the signed type "1111" represents -1 (because the twos complement representation is used by this type).

So, you can see that the same function - to_integer - returns two different results when called with "1111" - either 15 or -1 depending on whether the argument is of type unsigned or signed. So, you can see the point in having both types, even though the only difference between them is their name.

Actually, there are two to_integer functions, not one. One takes an unsigned argument; the other (identically named to_integer) takes a signed argument. As you can see, they do behave differently. The compiler can decide which function needs to be called based on the type of the argument. This idea, where a compiler can choose between different (but identically-named functions) based on the type of the argument, is called overloading. It is common in software languages.

So, what about std_logic_vector? Suppose you wrote:

variable V : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
variable I : integer;


V:= "1111";
I := to_integer(V);

what result would you expect from the to_integer function? 15 or -1? This dilemma is solved by the above code being illegal - it won't compile. It won't compile, because there is no version of the to_integer function defined for std_logic_vector - the to_integer function is not overloaded for the type std_logic_vector.

So, if you only need to represent positive numbers, you're best off using the unsigned type; if you need to represent negative numbers you need to use the signed type. If you don't really care, because your pattern of bits is not a number or because your not doing any maths on it (you're merely transporting it from one place to another), then you're best off using std_logic_vector.


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Matthew Taylor Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10

Matthew Taylor