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VHDL - determining the range of a 2d array

I have two 2D arrays:

type array1x1D is array (0 to 10) of std_logic_vector(0 to 10); -- Array of arrays
type array2D is array (0 to 10, 0 to 10) of std_logic; -- Real 2D array

How do I access the range of the std_logic_vectors in the former and the range in the latter? I could of course use a variable to keep track of their size but I would prefer to avoid that. I am trying to loop over the arrays using GENERATE statements.

like image 226
alexdavey Avatar asked Jul 23 '13 14:07


2 Answers


VHDL-2002: A subtype is required for the std_logic_vector(0 downto 10) if you want to get the range of this part, thus splitting the type into:

subtype array1x1D_element is std_logic_vector(0 to 10);
type array1x1D is array (0 to 10) of array1x1D_element; -- Array of arrays

Then you can do array1x1D_element'range.

VHDL-2008: Use the added 'element attribute (probably for that purpose :-), and write array1x1D'element'range.


Access the different dimensions through an index to 'range, thus with array2D'range(1) and array2D'range(2).

like image 173
Morten Zilmer Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Morten Zilmer

entity test1 is
end entity;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
architecture a1 of test1 is
    type array1x1D is array (0 to 10) of std_logic_vector(0 to 10); -- Array of arrays
    type array2D is array (0 to 10, 0 to 5) of std_logic; -- Real 2D array
    signal s1 : array1x1D;
    name : process is
        report "array1x1D(0)'length:" & integer'image(s1(0)'length);
        report "array2D'length(1):" & integer'image(array2D'length(1));
        report "array2D'length(2):" & integer'image(array2D'length(2));
    end process name;
end architecture a1;


# run -all
# ** Note: array1x1D(0)'length:11
#    Time: 0 ns  Iteration: 0  Instance: /test1
# ** Note: array2D'length(1):11
#    Time: 0 ns  Iteration: 0  Instance: /test1
# ** Note: array2D'length(2):6
#    Time: 0 ns  Iteration: 0  Instance: /test1

I can't immediately see a way to figure out the length of the vector elements of the 1d array without an intermediate signal/constant/variable of that type...

like image 38
Martin Thompson Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Martin Thompson