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Difference between Tries and Trees?




I remotely remember that tries don't store the whole data per node, only the suffix to the parent node.

Where trees do store the whole data, but only organize themselves based on a prefix.

So tries get smaller, which allows for example to compress dictionaries very well.

Is that really the only difference?

From actual applications I remember that tries are faster in range queries. There are even special solr/lucene trie fields to speed up range queries. But how is that so?

What is the actual difference and what are the advantages and disadvantages of tries and trees?

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The Surrican Avatar asked Jan 19 '11 16:01

The Surrican

People also ask

Are tries trees?

Tries is a tree that stores strings. The maximum number of children of a node is equal to the size of the alphabet.

What are tries used for?

Tries (also known as radix trees or prefix trees) are tree-based data structures that are typically used to store associative arrays where the keys are usually strings. Since they also implement associative arrays, tries are often compared to hash tables.

What are tries in data structure?

Tries are an extremely special and useful data-structure that are based on the prefix of a string. They are used to represent the “Retrieval” of data and thus the name Trie. A Trie is a special data structure used to store strings that can be visualized like a graph. It consists of nodes and edges.

How does a trie tree work?

A trie is a tree-like data structure whose nodes store the letters of an alphabet. By structuring the nodes in a particular way, words and strings can be retrieved from the structure by traversing down a branch path of the tree. Tries in the context of computer science are a relatively new thing.

1 Answers

A tree is a general structure of recursive nodes. There are many types of trees. Popular ones are binary tree and balanced tree. A Trie is a kind of tree, known by many names including prefix tree, digital search tree, and retrieval tree (hence the name 'trie').

Each kind of tree has a different purpose, structure and behaviour. For example, a binary tree stores a collection of comparable items (eg numbers). It can therefore be used to store a set of numbers, or to index other data that can be represented by numbers (eg objects that can be hashed). Its structure is sorted so it can be searched quickly to find a single item. Other tree structures, such as a balanced tree, are similar in principle.

A trie represents a sequence in its structure. It is very different in that it stores sequences of values rather than individual single values. Each level of recursion says 'what is the value of item I of the input list'. This is different to a binary tree which compares the single searched value to each node.

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Joe Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09
