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Python: simple list merging based on intersections

Consider there are some lists of integers as:

#-------------------------------------- 0 [0,1,3] 1 [1,0,3,4,5,10,...] 2 [2,8] 3 [3,1,0,...] ... n [] #-------------------------------------- 

The question is to merge lists having at least one common element. So the results only for the given part will be as follows:

#-------------------------------------- 0 [0,1,3,4,5,10,...] 2 [2,8] #-------------------------------------- 

What is the most efficient way to do this on large data (elements are just numbers)? Is tree structure something to think about? I do the job now by converting lists to sets and iterating for intersections, but it is slow! Furthermore I have a feeling that is so-elementary! In addition, the implementation lacks something (unknown) because some lists remain unmerged sometime! Having said that, if you were proposing self-implementation please be generous and provide a simple sample code [apparently Python is my favoriate :)] or pesudo-code.
Update 1: Here is the code I was using:

#-------------------------------------- lsts = [[0,1,3],         [1,0,3,4,5,10,11],         [2,8],         [3,1,0,16]]; #-------------------------------------- 

The function is (buggy!!):

#-------------------------------------- def merge(lsts):     sts = [set(l) for l in lsts]     i = 0     while i < len(sts):         j = i+1         while j < len(sts):             if len(sts[i].intersection(sts[j])) > 0:                 sts[i] = sts[i].union(sts[j])                 sts.pop(j)             else: j += 1                        #---corrected         i += 1     lst = [list(s) for s in sts]     return lst #-------------------------------------- 

The result is:

#-------------------------------------- >>> merge(lsts) >>> [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 16], [8, 2]] #-------------------------------------- 

Update 2: To my experience the code given by Niklas Baumstark below showed to be a bit faster for the simple cases. Not tested the method given by "Hooked" yet, since it is completely different approach (by the way it seems interesting). The testing procedure for all of these could be really hard or impossible to be ensured of the results. The real data set I will use is so large and complex, so it is impossible to trace any error just by repeating. That is I need to be 100% satisfied of the reliability of the method before pushing it in its place within a large code as a module. Simply for now Niklas's method is faster and the answer for simple sets is correct of course.
However how can I be sure that it works well for real large data set? Since I will not be able to trace the errors visually!

Update 3: Note that reliability of the method is much more important than speed for this problem. I will be hopefully able to translate the Python code to Fortran for the maximum performance finally.

Update 4:
There are many interesting points in this post and generously given answers, constructive comments. I would recommend reading all thoroughly. Please accept my appreciation for the development of the question, amazing answers and constructive comments and discussion.

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Developer Avatar asked Feb 02 '12 10:02


People also ask

How do you merge elements in a list python?

The most conventional method to concatenate lists in python is by using the concatenation operator(+). The “+” operator can easily join the whole list behind another list and provide you with the new list as the final output as shown in the below example.

How do you intersect two lists in python?

To perform the intersection of two lists in python, we just have to create an output list that should contain elements that are present in both the input lists. For instance, if we have list1=[1,2,3,4,5,6] and list2=[2,4,6,8,10,12] , the intersection of list1 and list2 will be [2,4,6] .

How do you merge two lists without duplicates in python?

Python merges two lists without duplicates could be accomplished by using a set. And use the + operator to merge it.

1 Answers

My attempt:

def merge(lsts):     sets = [set(lst) for lst in lsts if lst]     merged = True     while merged:         merged = False         results = []         while sets:             common, rest = sets[0], sets[1:]             sets = []             for x in rest:                 if x.isdisjoint(common):                     sets.append(x)                 else:                     merged = True                     common |= x             results.append(common)         sets = results     return sets  lst = [[65, 17, 5, 30, 79, 56, 48, 62],        [6, 97, 32, 93, 55, 14, 70, 32],        [75, 37, 83, 34, 9, 19, 14, 64],        [43, 71],        [],        [89, 49, 1, 30, 28, 3, 63],        [35, 21, 68, 94, 57, 94, 9, 3],        [16],        [29, 9, 97, 43],        [17, 63, 24]] print merge(lst) 


import random  # adapt parameters to your own usage scenario class_count = 50 class_size = 1000 list_count_per_class = 100 large_list_sizes = list(range(100, 1000)) small_list_sizes = list(range(0, 100)) large_list_probability = 0.5  if False:  # change to true to generate the test data file (takes a while)     with open("/tmp/test.txt", "w") as f:         lists = []         classes = [             range(class_size * i, class_size * (i + 1)) for i in range(class_count)         ]         for c in classes:             # distribute each class across ~300 lists             for i in xrange(list_count_per_class):                 lst = []                 if random.random() < large_list_probability:                     size = random.choice(large_list_sizes)                 else:                     size = random.choice(small_list_sizes)                 nums = set(c)                 for j in xrange(size):                     x = random.choice(list(nums))                     lst.append(x)                     nums.remove(x)                 random.shuffle(lst)                 lists.append(lst)         random.shuffle(lists)         for lst in lists:             f.write(" ".join(str(x) for x in lst) + "\n")  setup = """ # Niklas' def merge_niklas(lsts):     sets = [set(lst) for lst in lsts if lst]     merged = 1     while merged:         merged = 0         results = []         while sets:             common, rest = sets[0], sets[1:]             sets = []             for x in rest:                 if x.isdisjoint(common):                     sets.append(x)                 else:                     merged = 1                     common |= x             results.append(common)         sets = results     return sets  # Rik's def merge_rik(data):     sets = (set(e) for e in data if e)     results = [next(sets)]     for e_set in sets:         to_update = []         for i, res in enumerate(results):             if not e_set.isdisjoint(res):                 to_update.insert(0, i)          if not to_update:             results.append(e_set)         else:             last = results[to_update.pop(-1)]             for i in to_update:                 last |= results[i]                 del results[i]             last |= e_set     return results  # katrielalex's def pairs(lst):     i = iter(lst)     first = prev = item = i.next()     for item in i:         yield prev, item         prev = item     yield item, first  import networkx  def merge_katrielalex(lsts):     g = networkx.Graph()     for lst in lsts:         for edge in pairs(lst):             g.add_edge(*edge)     return networkx.connected_components(g)  # agf's (optimized) from collections import deque  def merge_agf_optimized(lists):     sets = deque(set(lst) for lst in lists if lst)     results = []     disjoint = 0     current = sets.pop()     while True:         merged = False         newsets = deque()         for _ in xrange(disjoint, len(sets)):             this = sets.pop()             if not current.isdisjoint(this):                 current.update(this)                 merged = True                 disjoint = 0             else:                 newsets.append(this)                 disjoint += 1         if sets:             newsets.extendleft(sets)         if not merged:             results.append(current)             try:                 current = newsets.pop()             except IndexError:                 break             disjoint = 0         sets = newsets     return results  # agf's (simple) def merge_agf_simple(lists):     newsets, sets = [set(lst) for lst in lists if lst], []     while len(sets) != len(newsets):         sets, newsets = newsets, []         for aset in sets:             for eachset in newsets:                 if not aset.isdisjoint(eachset):                     eachset.update(aset)                     break             else:                 newsets.append(aset)     return newsets  # alexis' def merge_alexis(data):     bins = range(len(data))  # Initialize each bin[n] == n     nums = dict()      data = [set(m) for m in data]  # Convert to sets     for r, row in enumerate(data):         for num in row:             if num not in nums:                 # New number: tag it with a pointer to this row's bin                 nums[num] = r                 continue             else:                 dest = locatebin(bins, nums[num])                 if dest == r:                     continue  # already in the same bin                  if dest > r:                     dest, r = r, dest  # always merge into the smallest bin                  data[dest].update(data[r])                 data[r] = None                 # Update our indices to reflect the move                 bins[r] = dest                 r = dest      # Filter out the empty bins     have = [m for m in data if m]     return have  def locatebin(bins, n):     while bins[n] != n:         n = bins[n]     return n  lsts = [] size = 0 num = 0 max = 0 for line in open("/tmp/test.txt", "r"):     lst = [int(x) for x in line.split()]     size += len(lst)     if len(lst) > max:         max = len(lst)     num += 1     lsts.append(lst) """  setup += """ print "%i lists, {class_count} equally distributed classes, average size %i, max size %i" % (num, size/num, max) """.format(class_count=class_count)  import timeit print "niklas" print timeit.timeit("merge_niklas(lsts)", setup=setup, number=3) print "rik" print timeit.timeit("merge_rik(lsts)", setup=setup, number=3) print "katrielalex" print timeit.timeit("merge_katrielalex(lsts)", setup=setup, number=3) print "agf (1)" print timeit.timeit("merge_agf_optimized(lsts)", setup=setup, number=3) print "agf (2)" print timeit.timeit("merge_agf_simple(lsts)", setup=setup, number=3) print "alexis" print timeit.timeit("merge_alexis(lsts)", setup=setup, number=3) 

These timings are obviously dependent on the specific parameters to the benchmark, like number of classes, number of lists, list size, etc. Adapt those parameters to your need to get more helpful results.

Below are some example outputs on my machine for different parameters. They show that all the algorithms have their strength and weaknesses, depending on the kind of input they get:

===================== # many disjoint classes, large lists class_count = 50 class_size = 1000 list_count_per_class = 100 large_list_sizes = list(range(100, 1000)) small_list_sizes = list(range(0, 100)) large_list_probability = 0.5 =====================  niklas 5000 lists, 50 equally distributed classes, average size 298, max size 999 4.80084705353 rik 5000 lists, 50 equally distributed classes, average size 298, max size 999 9.49251699448 katrielalex 5000 lists, 50 equally distributed classes, average size 298, max size 999 21.5317108631 agf (1) 5000 lists, 50 equally distributed classes, average size 298, max size 999 8.61671280861 agf (2) 5000 lists, 50 equally distributed classes, average size 298, max size 999 5.18117713928 => alexis => 5000 lists, 50 equally distributed classes, average size 298, max size 999 => 3.73504281044  =================== # less number of classes, large lists class_count = 15 class_size = 1000 list_count_per_class = 300 large_list_sizes = list(range(100, 1000)) small_list_sizes = list(range(0, 100)) large_list_probability = 0.5 ===================  niklas 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 296, max size 999 1.79993700981 rik 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 296, max size 999 2.58237695694 katrielalex 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 296, max size 999 19.5465381145 agf (1) 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 296, max size 999 2.75445604324 => agf (2) => 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 296, max size 999 => 1.77850699425 alexis 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 296, max size 999 3.23530197144  =================== # less number of classes, smaller lists class_count = 15 class_size = 1000 list_count_per_class = 300 large_list_sizes = list(range(100, 1000)) small_list_sizes = list(range(0, 100)) large_list_probability = 0.1 ===================  niklas 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 95, max size 997 0.773697137833 rik 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 95, max size 997 1.0523750782 katrielalex 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 95, max size 997 6.04466891289 agf (1) 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 95, max size 997 1.20285701752 => agf (2) => 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 95, max size 997 => 0.714507102966 alexis 4500 lists, 15 equally distributed classes, average size 95, max size 997 1.1286110878 
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13 revs, 2 users 74% Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09

13 revs, 2 users 74%