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Difference between SelectedItem, SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath

What is the difference betweeen the following:

  • SelectedItem
  • SelectedValue
  • SelectedValuePath

All these dependency properties are defined in Selector class. I often confuse SelectedItem with SelectedValue , and SelectedValue with SelectedValuePath.

I would like to know the difference between them, and also when do we use them, especially SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath. Please explain their use with some simple examples.

like image 860
Nawaz Avatar asked Feb 04 '11 19:02


2 Answers

Their names can be a bit confusing :). Here's a summary:

  • The SelectedItem property returns the entire object that your list is bound to. So say you've bound a list to a collection of Category objects (with each Category object having Name and ID properties). eg. ObservableCollection<Category>. The SelectedItem property will return you the currently selected Category object. For binding purposes however, this is not always what you want, as this only enables you to bind an entire Category object to the property that the list is bound to, not the value of a single property on that Category object (such as its ID property).

  • Therefore we have the SelectedValuePath property and the SelectedValue property as an alternative means of binding (you use them in conjunction with one another). Let's say you have a Product object, that your view is bound to (with properties for things like ProductName, Weight, etc). Let's also say you have a CategoryID property on that Product object, and you want the user to be able to select a category for the product from a list of categories. You need the ID property of the Category object to be assigned to the CategoryID property on the Product object. This is where the SelectedValuePath and the SelectedValue properties come in. You specify that the ID property on the Category object should be assigned to the property on the Product object that the list is bound to using SelectedValuePath='ID', and then bind the SelectedValue property to the property on the DataContext (ie. the Product).

The example below demonstrates this. We have a ComboBox bound to a list of Categories (via ItemsSource). We're binding the CategoryID property on the Product as the selected value (using the SelectedValue property). We're relating this to the Category's ID property via the SelectedValuePath property. And we're saying only display the Name property in the ComboBox, with the DisplayMemberPath property).

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Categories}" 
          SelectedValue="{Binding CategoryID, Mode=TwoWay}" 
          DisplayMemberPath="Name" />
public class Category
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class Product
    public int CategoryID { get; set; }

It's a little confusing initially, but hopefully this makes it a bit clearer... :)


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Chris Anderson Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 19:11

Chris Anderson

To answer a little more conceptually:

SelectedValuePath defines which property (by its name) of the objects bound to the ListBox's ItemsSource will be used as the item's SelectedValue.

For example, if your ListBox is bound to a collection of Person objects, each of which has Name, Age, and Gender properties, SelectedValuePath=Name will cause the value of the selected Person's Name property to be returned in SelectedValue.

Note that if you override the ListBox's ControlTemplate (or apply a Style) that specifies what property should display, SelectedValuePath cannot be used.

SelectedItem, meanwhile, returns the entire Person object currently selected.

(Here's a further example from MSDN, using TreeView)

Update: As @Joe pointed out, the DisplayMemberPath property is unrelated to the Selected* properties. Its proper description follows:

Note that these values are distinct from DisplayMemberPath (which is defined on ItemsControl, not Selector), but that property has similar behavior to SelectedValuePath: in the absence of a style/template, it identifies which property of the object bound to item should be used as its string representation.

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Dan J Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 20:11

Dan J