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Difference between save(false) and save(:validate => false)

What's the difference between save(false) and save(:validate => false)? From what I can tell, the functionality is the same. The version that uses :validate is in the api which leads me to believe save(false) is a deprecated version? This came up for me when following this: https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/How-To:-Create-a-guest-user. The guide has save(false) in there but I was getting errors when using it. I switched it to the :validate version and that worked fine.

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Steve Avatar asked Dec 13 '11 06:12


2 Answers

In Rails versions before than 3, save was a method in ActiveRecord::Base and you could pass false to it in order to bypass validations.

In Rails 3, save was moved to ActiveRecord::Persistance and since then you should pass :validate => false to save in order to bypass validations.

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Behrang Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 19:11


All the validation from model are skipped when we use validate: false

@user = User.new(....)

@user.save(validate: false)

Action base disable validation


Skip Field validation



class User < ActiveRecord::Base

validates_presence_of :password, :on => :update


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Jigar Bhatt Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 18:11

Jigar Bhatt