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Rails dependent which options are possible?

I get the following error in Rails 4:

dependent option must be one of destroy delete

Per https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/3458, other options were supported in older versions. But what is possible nowadays? I could not find any other documentation.

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Georg Heiler Avatar asked Sep 21 '14 18:09

Georg Heiler

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What is dependent in Rails?

The dependent: option which is built into Rails allows us to specify what happens to the associated records when their owner is destroyed. Until now, the dependent: option accepted :destroy , :delete_all amongst other values.

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There is no difference between the two; :dependent => :destroy and :dependent => :delete_all are semantically equivalent. In :destroy, associated objects are destroyed alongside the object by calling their :destroy method, while in :delete_all, they are destroyed immediately, without calling their :destroy method.

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Dependent is an option of Rails collection association declaration to cascade the delete action. The :destroy is to cause the associated object to also be destroyed when its owner is destroyed.

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2 Answers

Docs are available here

Looks like the following options are supported:

  • nil - do nothing (default).

  • :destroy - causes all the associated objects to also be destroyed.

  • :delete_all - causes all the associated objects to be deleted directly from the database (so callbacks will not be executed).

  • :nullify - causes the foreign keys to be set to NULL. Callbacks are not executed.

  • :restrict_with_exception - causes an exception to be raised if there are any associated records.

  • :restrict_with_error - causes an error to be added to the owner if there are any associated objects.

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Ben Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10


Adding to Ben's Answer, if it is required to do nothing on deletion, nil (which is default behaviour) can also be used

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Suleman Uzair Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 09:10

Suleman Uzair