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Rails 4.0 expire_fragment/cache expiration not working

I have been trying to use the caching capabilities of rails, but I am unable to expire some cache fragment although they seem to expire. Using the 'Russian Doll Caching' as pointed out in the rails tutorial site, I am using this configuration

<% cache "all_available_releases" do %>  <% @releases.each do |release| %>   <% cache(release) do %>    <html code with>    <%ruby code @release.name blah blah blah%>   <%end%>  <%end%> <%end%>     

I expire the outer caching in the release_controller.rb controller, where I use expire_fragment("all_available_releases") to expire the fragment. I use it in every method of the controller that updates or deletes or adds an entry.

This is the log of WEBrick, where although the expire fragment gets registered, 5 lines later the expired fragment is read and used while it shouldn't. This example is after a destroy call.

Processing by ReleasesController#destroy as HTML   Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"***/***/********************+********=", "id"=>"2"}   Release Load (0.1ms)  SELECT "releases".* FROM "releases" WHERE "releases"."id" = ? LIMIT 1  [["id", "2"]]    (0.1ms)  begin transaction   SQL (2.0ms)  DELETE FROM "releases" WHERE "releases"."id" = ?  [["id", 2]]    (148.0ms)  commit transaction Expire fragment views/all_available_releases (0.1ms) Redirected to Completed 302 Found in 180ms (ActiveRecord: 150.2ms)   Started GET "/releases" for at 2013-07-03 13:09:51 +0300 Processing by ReleasesController#index as HTML Read fragment views/all_available_releases/41cb0a928326986f35f41c52bb3d8352 (0.1ms)   Rendered releases/index.html.erb within layouts/application (0.6ms) Completed 200 OK in 5ms (Views: 4.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) 

I even tried using Rails.cache.delete("all_available_releases") and it didn't work either.

if I delete <%cache "all_available_releases"%> (and one <%end%>) from my html.erb the caching works fine and gets expired whenever it should.

like image 668
Makis Tsantekidis Avatar asked Jul 03 '13 10:07

Makis Tsantekidis

2 Answers

I believe the issue is that when you cache the fragment in your view, a cache digest is being added to the cache key (views/all_available_releases/41cb0a928326986f35f41c52bb3d8352), but expire_fragment is not using the digest (views/all_available_releases).

If you add skip_digest: true to the cache call in the view it should prevent the digest from being used.

<% cache "all_available_releases", skip_digest: true do %>  <% @releases.each do |release| %>   <% cache(release) do %>    <html code with>    <%ruby code @release.name blah blah blah%>   <%end%>  <%end%> <%end%> 

Cache digests are only intended to be used with automatic cache expiration. If you need to manually expire cache keys then you can't use cache digests.

like image 171
amcoder Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09


Jbuilder don't support the skip_digest. After way to many failed approaches, I decided to share my answers here as it's highly related although not with a rails view as is the issue above.

Here's a related Q/issue where DHH essentially tells the guy that he can't expire fragment_caches explicitly. https://github.com/rails/cache_digests/issues/35 Everything isn't square so here's a way around this:

class MenuController   def index     json = Rails.cache.fetch('clients') do       @items = Menu.all       render_to_string( template: 'menu/index', locals: {items: @items})     end     render json: json   end end 

then you can explictly expire this anywhere, like in an observer

class MenuCacheObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer   observe :menu, :menuitem, :menusubnavigation    def after_save obj     Rails.cache.delete(:clients)   end end 

In a few cases this may make sense. On a general note, in most cases you should be using the object in the cache input, like json.cache! @my_object do wrapping the jbuilder view. That way it would invalidate when updated_at on the object changes.

like image 28
oma Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
