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Difference between nameof and typeof

Two reasons:

nameof turns into a compile-time constant. typeof(...).Name requires a bit of reflection. It's not overly expensive, but it can hurt in some cases.

Second, it's used for other things than type names. For example, arguments:

void SomeMethod(int myArgument)

You can also get the name of class members and even locals. Needless to say, this is quite useful for debugging information. It's also one of the ways to implement less fragile reflection when e.g. parsing expression trees (sadly, on the project where I'd use this, we're still stuck on .NET 4.0 with C# 5 - it'd save me a few hacks here and there).

And to clear up some confusion, nameof is not a function, and neither is typeof. It's a compile-time operator, and it's always evaluated at compile-time (though obviously, generics move the "compile-time" a bit further in time).

Here's a benchmark test by using BenchmarkDotNet

// * Summary *

Host Process Environment Information:
Processor=?, ProcessorCount=8
Frequency=2740584 ticks, Resolution=364.8857 ns, Timer=TSC
CLR=CORE, Arch=64-bit ? [RyuJIT]
GC=Concurrent Workstation
dotnet cli version: 1.0.0-preview2-003133

Type=GetNameBenchmark  Mode=Throughput  LaunchCount=2
WarmupCount=10  TargetCount=200

     Method |     Median |    StdDev |
----------- |----------- |---------- |
     TypeOf | 16.0348 ns | 0.7896 ns |
     NameOf |  0.0005 ns | 0.0147 ns |

Using Reflection to generate strings is possible, but is not very elegant and not always possible. You can't use Reflection in sandboxed code for example. And you can't use it on local variables. And it is expensive.

The nameof operator works at compile time. The compiler already knows the name when it parses the code. So can trivially generate the string literal. Very fast, can't possibly be faster, and no runtime restrictions.

There are several differences between them, but they are mainly practical reasons behind. Example 1:

It is more elegant to write something like

switch (e.ArgumentPropertyName)
    case nameof(aProperty):

    case "anotherProperty":

Try to refactor anotherProperty type and bang! the nameof will reflect the changes, the "anotherProperty" will pass silently and your code will never get executed within that case statement..

Example 2:

enum MetalEnum { Gold = 1,  Silver = 2, ... }

Which one is nicer?

Console.WriteLine(MetalEnum.Gold.ToString()); // finds the name at runtime (slower)


Console.WriteLine(nameof(MetalEnum.Gold)); // compile time (faster)

Example 3:

Finally, do you remember how ugly it is to write something like

PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Foo"));

Now you can write as beautifully as follows:

PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(Foo)));

Typeof returns Type objects. It is often used as a parameter or as a variable or field. The typeof operator is part of an expression that acquires the Type pointer.

class Program
    static Type _type = typeof(char); // Store Type as field.

    static void Main()
    Console.WriteLine(_type); // Value type pointer
    Console.WriteLine(typeof(int)); // Value type
    Console.WriteLine(typeof(byte)); // Value type
    Console.WriteLine(typeof(Stream)); // Class type
    Console.WriteLine(typeof(TextWriter)); // Class type
    Console.WriteLine(typeof(Array)); // Class type
    Console.WriteLine(typeof(int[])); // Array reference type



Nameof, meanwhile, returns a string with a variable's name. It works at compile-time. It is a special compiler feature that simplifies some programs.

int size=100;


According to the documentation:

Used to obtain the simple (unqualified) string name of a variable, type, or member.


The argument to nameof must be a simple name, qualified name, member access, base access with a specified member, or this access with a specified member. The argument expression identifies a code definition, but it is never evaluated.

Because the argument needs to be an expression syntactically, there are many things disallowed that are not useful to list. The following are worth mentioning that produce errors: predefined types (for example, int or void), nullable types (Point?), array types (Customer[,]), pointer types (Buffer*), qualified alias (A::B), and unbound generic types (Dictionary<,>), preprocessing symbols (DEBUG), and labels (loop:).

The simple name that nameof obtains is the source name, not the metadata name.

So, this code:

using Integer = System.Int32;
var s = "a string";
void M<T>() { Console.WriteLine(nameof(T)); }

will print:
