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Difference Between Marker based and Markerless Augmented Reality

I am totally new to AR and I searched on the internet about marker based and markerless AR but I am confused with marker based and markerless AR.. Lets assume an AR app triggers AR action when it scans specific images..So is this marker based AR or markerless AR.. Isn't the image a marker? Also to position the AR content does marker based AR use devices' accelerometer and compass as in markerless AR?

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sudip Avatar asked Dec 01 '14 13:12


People also ask

What is marker and Markerless?

These markers determine where the AR application places digital 3D content within the user's visual field or through a camera feed. Markerless AR places virtual 3D objects in the physical environment depending on the environment's real features rather than identifying markers.

What is Markerless based augmented reality?

Markerless AR functionality allows developers to create digital applications that overlay interactive augmentations on physical surfaces, without the need for a marker. We can all agree that computer vision is a key part of the future of augmented reality, mobile or not.

What are the 3 types of AR?

3 different types of AR explained: marker-based, markerless & location.

What is marker in an augmented reality application?

An augmented reality marker is an image or an object that can be recognized by an AR-enabled mobile app and is used to trigger augmented reality features. When it comes to DIY projects, markers should primarily be placed on flat surfaces as bumpy, irregular or rounded surfaces deform marker images.

2 Answers

In a marker-based AR application the images (or the corresponding image descriptors) to be recognized are provided beforehand. In this case you know exactly what the application will search for while acquiring camera data (camera frames). Most of the nowadays AR apps dealing with image recognition are marker-based. Why? Because it's much more simple to detect things that are hard-coded in your app.

On the other hand, a marker-less AR application recognizes things that were not directly provided to the application beforehand. This scenario is much more difficult to implement because the recognition algorithm running in your AR application has to identify patterns, colors or some other features that may exist in camera frames. For example if your algorithm is able to identify dogs, it means that the AR application will be able to trigger AR actions whenever a dog is detected in a camera frame, without you having to provide images with all the dogs in the world (this is exaggerated of course - training a database for example) when developing the application.

Long story short: in a marker-based AR application where image recognition is involved, the marker can be an image, or the corresponding descriptors (features + key points). Usually an AR marker is a black&white (square) image,a QR code for example. These markers are easily recognized and tracked => not a lot of processing power on the end-user device is needed to perform the recognition (and optionally tracking).

There is no need of an accelerometer or a compass in a marker-based app. The recognition library may be able to compute the pose matrix (rotation & translation) of the detected image relative to the camera of your device. If you know that, you know how far the recognized image is and how it is rotated relative to your device's camera. And from now on, AR begins... :)

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Traian Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09


Well. Since I got downvoted without explanation. Here is a little more detail on markerless tracking:

Actual there are several possibilities for augmented reality without "visual" markers but none of them called markerless tracking.

Showing of the virtual information can be triggered by GPS, Speech or simply turning on your phone.

Also, people tend to confuse NFT(Natural feature tracking) with markerless tracking. With NFT you can take a real life picture as a marker. But it is still a "marker".

This site has a nice overview and some examples for each marker: Marker-Types It's mostly in german but so beware.

What you call markerless tracking today is a technique best observed with the Hololens(and its own programming language) or the AR-Framework Kudan. Markerless Tracking doesn't find anything on his own. Instead, you can place an object at runtime somewhere in your field of view. Markerless tracking is then used to keep this object in place. It's most likely uses a combination of sensor input and solving the SLAM( simultaneous localization and mapping) problem at runtime.

EDIT: A Little update. It seems the hololens creates its own inner geometric representation of the room. 3D-Objects are then put into that virtual room. After that, the room is kept in sync with the real world. The exact technique behind that seems to be unknown but some speculate that it is based on the Xbox Kinect technology.

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Senador Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
