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Difference between margin and padding?



What exactly is the difference between margin and padding in CSS? It really doesn't seem to serve much purpose. Could you give me an example of where the differences lie (and why it is important to know the difference)?

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maclunian Avatar asked May 11 '11 02:05


People also ask

What is the difference between margin and padding Mcq?

Margin is said to be the outer space of an element, i.e., the margin is the space outside of the element's border. Padding is said to be the inner space of an element, i.e., the padding is the space inside of the element's border.

What is the difference between margins and padding in HTML?

In HTML margins work the same way in giving space away from the edge of the page. Borders simply wrap the element. A border can wrap immediately around an element, or it may look further away from an element if more padding has been applied to the element. Padding provides space around the element.

2 Answers

padding is the space between the content and the border, whereas margin is the space outside the border. Here's an image I found from a quick Google search, that illustrates this idea.

enter image description here

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abcd Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09


One key thing that is missing in the answers here:

Top/Bottom margins are collapsible.

So if you have a 20px margin at the bottom of an element and a 30px margin at the top of the next element, the margin between the two elements will be 30px rather than 50px. This does not apply to left/right margin or padding.

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Nathan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
