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Difference between Make Project, Make Module app, Build APK and Generate Signed APK

What is the difference between Make Project, Make Module app, Build APK and Generate Signed APK options that you can find in menu bar->Build and when to use each one?

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razz Avatar asked Feb 11 '16 08:02


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Export Signed apk means you get the apk and it will provide the option to make the sign apk with existing keystore. Android requires that all apps be digitally signed with a certificate before they can be installed.

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Difference Between Building an Android APK and Generating a Signed APK file. As for the developer, an unsigned APK file is developed mainly for local testing purposes. Furthermore, these APK files can be made publicly available. However, Google Play Store does not accept these files as unsigned APK files are not secure ...

What does make project do in Android Studio?

Make Project All the source files in the entire project that have been modified since the last compilation are compiled. Dependent source files, if appropriate, are also compiled. Additionally, the tasks tied to the compilation or make process on modified sources are performed.

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You can use gradle commands depending on which variant you want. For example, ./gradlew installDebug will make a debug apk and load it onto a connected device (though it won't open it like Android Studio does). gradlew is the Gradle wrapper file present in the root of the project.

1 Answers

Make Project: Means you create a real application which is working on a device and has an executable file like an APK.

Make Module: Means you create a library project for you application which is executed with that project and has no executable file like an APK but has a .jar file which works as a library.

Build APK: When you normally run your application, an APK file is generated locally which is like a ZIP file and is easily unzippable, no security is implemented, and you can get the code from that APK file. It is used basically for local testing.

Signed APK: It is that APK you can create with a password and security and it is not easily unzippable and is used for production.

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Rohit Heera Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 06:09

Rohit Heera