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Android Studio - How to disable the scrolling code preview overlay?

In Android Studio (and IntelliJ IDEA), when you hover your cursor in the scrollbar area of the editing window, the cursor changes to a pointing hand and displays a 10-line preview of the code in that location in the file. Here's a screenshot:

enter image description here

As you move your cursor up and down that scrollbar area, the code preview overlay shifts with it. I've dug through the preferences and searched online, but I can't figure out how to turn off this feature. Does anyone know what this is called and how to disable it?

like image 739
Devon Biere Avatar asked Apr 09 '15 15:04

Devon Biere

People also ask

How do I remove a scroll in VS code?

Removing the scroll bar As of 2022, there is a Setting: Editor › Scrollbar: Vertical Scrollbar Size . I set it to 0 (zero) and the entire scrollbar column was no longer visible.

How do I turn off scrolling in lazy column?

PreventUserInput to prevent scrolling, and then use a do-nothing scroll at the same priority to cancel the first "scroll" and re-enable scrolling.

2 Answers

It's called the "code lens" and it's configurable in:

Editor -> General -> Appearance

In some versions, it's called "editor preview tooltip" instead of "code lens."

enter image description here

Also can be disabled by right-clicking on the scroll bar area.

like image 167
Dave Newton Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Dave Newton

If you right click on the scroll bar you can very easily disable it.

Uncheck 'Show code lens on scrollbar hover' and it'll disable it. Alternatively you can disable from preferences using that as a search filter.

like image 36
Brandon Lerner Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Brandon Lerner