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Difference between CCNode and CCLayer?

What is the difference between CCNode and CCLayer in Cocos2D?

like image 690
senthilM Avatar asked Feb 01 '11 09:02


1 Answers

CCLayer is a CCNode with targeted+standard touch & accelerometer delegated .

CCLayer is inherited by CCNode .

this means it can use all the public properties which CCNode have rotation,scaleX,scaleY,position,visible.. etc .

with :

CCTargetedTouchDelegate. ccTouchBegan,ccTouchMoved,ccTouchEnded,ccTouchCancelled

CCStandardTouchDelegate ccTouchesBegan,ccTouchesMoved,ccTouchesEnded,ccTouchesCancelled

and UIAccelerometer accelerometer:

like image 126
rahul_send89 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
