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Difference between @Stateless and @Singleton




I'm following this tutorial which also uses an EJB:

package exercise1;  import java.util.Random; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.inject.Named;  @Stateless public class MessageServerBean {     private int counter = 0;      public String getMessage(){         Random random = new Random();         random.nextInt(9999999);         int myRandomNumber = random.nextInt();         return "" + myRandomNumber;     }      public int getCounter(){         return counter++;     }     } 

Here is an output example:

Hello from Facelets
Message is: 84804258
Counter is: 26
Message Server Bean is: exercise1.MessageServerBean@757b6193

Here's my observation:

  • When I set the bean as @Stateless I always get the same object ID and counter always increments.
  • When I set the bean as @Stateful I get a new instance every time I refresh the page.
  • When I set it to @Singleton I get the same results as when I set it to @Stateless: same object ID, counter incrementing.

So, what I actually would like to understand is: what's the difference between @Stateless and @Singleton EJBs in this very case?

like image 381
godzillante Avatar asked Jan 22 '13 17:01


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The javax. ejb. Singleton annotation is used to specify that the enterprise bean implementation class is a singleton session bean: @Singleton public class SingletonBean { ... }

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The main difference between Stateless and Stateful Session Bean is that Stateless Session Bean is a business object without state (data) that describes the business logic while Stateful Session Bean is a business object with a state (data) that describes the business logic.

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What is a Stateful Session Bean? A stateful session bean is a session bean that maintains conversational state. Stateful session beans are useful for conversational sessions, in which it is necessary to maintain state, such as instance variable values or transactional state, between method invocations.

1 Answers

You're seeing the same output because there is only one client accessing the EJB at a time. The application server is able to recycle the same stateless EJB object for each call. If you try a concurrent access – multiple clients at the same time - you'll see new stateless instances appearing.

Note that, depending on the server load, even two consecutive method invocations made by the same client may end up in different stateless EJB objects!

For a singleton EJB, there will no difference – there is always only one instance per application, no matter how many clients try to access it.

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gcvt Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
