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Difference between :: and -> in PHP





I always see people in serious projects use :: everywhere, and -> only occasionally in local environment.

I only use -> myself and never end up in situations when I need a static value outside of a class. Am I a bad person?

As I understand, the only situation when -> won't work is when I try following:

class StaticDemo {  
    private static $static  

$staticDemo = new StaticDemo( );

$staticDemo->static; // wrong  
$staticDemo::static; // right

But am I missing out on some programming correctness when I don't call simple public methods by :: ?

Or is it just so that I can call a method without creating an instance?

like image 769
sdkfasldf Avatar asked May 10 '10 17:05


People also ask

What is the difference between :: and -> in PHP?

They are for different function types. -> is always used on an object for static and non-static methods (though I don't think it's good practice use -> for static methods). :: is only used for static methods and can be used on objects (as of PHP 5.3) and more importantly classes.

What is -> mean in PHP?

The object operator, -> , is used in object scope to access methods and properties of an object. It's meaning is to say that what is on the right of the operator is a member of the object instantiated into the variable on the left side of the operator.

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The arrow means the addChild is called as a member of the object (in this case $sxe). The double colon means that addChild is a member of the SimpleXMLElement class.

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== Operator: This operator is used to check the given values are equal or not. If yes, it returns true, otherwise it returns false. === Operator: This operator is used to check the given values and its data type are equal or not. If yes, then it returns true, otherwise it returns false.

1 Answers

The double colon is used when you don't instantiate a class

class StaticDemo {...};

if you do instantiate, use -->

class StaticDemo {...};
$s = new StaticDemo();

This is explained further at http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.patterns.php

like image 53
Adam Hopkinson Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Adam Hopkinson