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get type in php return "object" and not the object type



im trying to get the type of the object that i receive in the constructor using gettype($this->object) . but im only getting "object" my constructor: p

public function __construct($object=null)


the object that i send to class:

$campaign = new Campaign();

$type = new Nodes\CampaignDatabaseNode($campaign);

the checkType(); only echo the type of the object

like image 546
Bakalash Avatar asked Nov 11 '15 13:11


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1 Answers

Just to explain why gettype() doesn't work as expected since others have already provided the correct answer. gettype() returns the type of variable — i.e. boolean, integer, double, string, array, object, resource, NULL or unknown type (cf. the gettype() manual link above).

In your case the variable $campaign is an object (as returned by gettype()), and that object is an instance of the class Campaign (as returned by get_class()).

like image 98
madsen Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09
