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Dictionary vs Object - which is more efficient and why?

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Are dictionaries more efficient?

The fastest way to repeatedly lookup data with millions of entries in Python is using dictionaries. Because dictionaries are the built-in mapping type in Python thereby they are highly optimized.

Why are dictionaries more efficient than lists?

The reason is because a dictionary is a lookup, while a list is an iteration. Dictionary uses a hash lookup, while your list requires walking through the list until it finds the result from beginning to the result each time.

What is the difference between dictionary and object?

The data stored in the form of key-value pairs is called an Object or a Dictionary. Objects and dictionaries are similar; the difference lies in semantics. In JavaScript, dictionaries are called objects, whereas, in languages like Python or C#, they are called dictionaries.

Which is more memory efficient list or dictionary?

Dictionary occupies much more space than a list of tuples. Even an empty dict occupies much space as compared to a list of tuples.

Have you tried using __slots__?

From the documentation:

By default, instances of both old and new-style classes have a dictionary for attribute storage. This wastes space for objects having very few instance variables. The space consumption can become acute when creating large numbers of instances.

The default can be overridden by defining __slots__ in a new-style class definition. The __slots__ declaration takes a sequence of instance variables and reserves just enough space in each instance to hold a value for each variable. Space is saved because __dict__ is not created for each instance.

So does this save time as well as memory?

Comparing the three approaches on my computer:


class Obj(object):
  __slots__ = ('i', 'l')
  def __init__(self, i):
    self.i = i
    self.l = []
all = {}
for i in range(1000000):
  all[i] = Obj(i)


class Obj(object):
  def __init__(self, i):
    self.i = i
    self.l = []
all = {}
for i in range(1000000):
  all[i] = Obj(i)


all = {}
for i in range(1000000):
  o = {}
  o['i'] = i
  o['l'] = []
  all[i] = o

test_namedtuple.py (supported in 2.6):

import collections

Obj = collections.namedtuple('Obj', 'i l')

all = {}
for i in range(1000000):
  all[i] = Obj(i, [])

Run benchmark (using CPython 2.5):

$ lshw | grep product | head -n 1
          product: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz
$ python --version
Python 2.5
$ time python test_obj.py && time python test_dict.py && time python test_slots.py 

real    0m27.398s (using 'normal' object)
real    0m16.747s (using __dict__)
real    0m11.777s (using __slots__)

Using CPython 2.6.2, including the named tuple test:

$ python --version
Python 2.6.2
$ time python test_obj.py && time python test_dict.py && time python test_slots.py && time python test_namedtuple.py 

real    0m27.197s (using 'normal' object)
real    0m17.657s (using __dict__)
real    0m12.249s (using __slots__)
real    0m12.262s (using namedtuple)

So yes (not really a surprise), using __slots__ is a performance optimization. Using a named tuple has similar performance to __slots__.

Attribute access in an object uses dictionary access behind the scenes - so by using attribute access you are adding extra overhead. Plus in the object case, you are incurring additional overhead because of e.g. additional memory allocations and code execution (e.g. of the __init__ method).

In your code, if o is an Obj instance, o.attr is equivalent to o.__dict__['attr'] with a small amount of extra overhead.

Have you considered using a namedtuple? (link for python 2.4/2.5)

It's the new standard way of representing structured data that gives you the performance of a tuple and the convenience of a class.

It's only downside compared with dictionaries is that (like tuples) it doesn't give you the ability to change attributes after creation.

Here is a copy of @hughdbrown answer for python 3.6.1, I've made the count 5x larger and added some code to test the memory footprint of the python process at the end of each run.

Before the downvoters have at it, Be advised that this method of counting the size of objects is not accurate.

from datetime import datetime
import os
import psutil

process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())

ITER_COUNT = 1000 * 1000 * 5


def makeL(i):
    # Use this line to negate the effect of the strings on the test 
    # return "Python is smart and will only create one string with this line"

    # Use this if you want to see the difference with 5 million unique strings
    return "This is a sample string %s" % i

def timeit(method):
    def timed(*args, **kw):
        global RESULT
        s = datetime.now()
        RESULT = method(*args, **kw)
        e = datetime.now()

        sizeMb = process.memory_info().rss / 1024 / 1024
        sizeMbStr = "{0:,}".format(round(sizeMb, 2))

        print('Time Taken = %s, \t%s, \tSize = %s' % (e - s, method.__name__, sizeMbStr))

    return timed

class Obj(object):
    def __init__(self, i):
       self.i = i
       self.l = makeL(i)

class SlotObj(object):
    __slots__ = ('i', 'l')
    def __init__(self, i):
       self.i = i
       self.l = makeL(i)

from collections import namedtuple
NT = namedtuple("NT", ["i", 'l'])

def profile_dict_of_nt():
    return [NT(i=i, l=makeL(i)) for i in range(ITER_COUNT)]

def profile_list_of_nt():
    return dict((i, NT(i=i, l=makeL(i))) for i in range(ITER_COUNT))

def profile_dict_of_dict():
    return dict((i, {'i': i, 'l': makeL(i)}) for i in range(ITER_COUNT))

def profile_list_of_dict():
    return [{'i': i, 'l': makeL(i)} for i in range(ITER_COUNT)]

def profile_dict_of_obj():
    return dict((i, Obj(i)) for i in range(ITER_COUNT))

def profile_list_of_obj():
    return [Obj(i) for i in range(ITER_COUNT)]

def profile_dict_of_slot():
    return dict((i, SlotObj(i)) for i in range(ITER_COUNT))

def profile_list_of_slot():
    return [SlotObj(i) for i in range(ITER_COUNT)]


And these are my results

Time Taken = 0:00:07.018720,    provile_dict_of_nt,     Size = 951.83
Time Taken = 0:00:07.716197,    provile_list_of_nt,     Size = 1,084.75
Time Taken = 0:00:03.237139,    profile_dict_of_dict,   Size = 1,926.29
Time Taken = 0:00:02.770469,    profile_list_of_dict,   Size = 1,778.58
Time Taken = 0:00:07.961045,    profile_dict_of_obj,    Size = 1,537.64
Time Taken = 0:00:05.899573,    profile_list_of_obj,    Size = 1,458.05
Time Taken = 0:00:06.567684,    profile_dict_of_slot,   Size = 1,035.65
Time Taken = 0:00:04.925101,    profile_list_of_slot,   Size = 887.49

My conclusion is:

  1. Slots have the best memory footprint and are reasonable on speed.
  2. dicts are the fastest, but use the most memory.

from datetime import datetime

ITER_COUNT = 1000 * 1000

def timeit(method):
    def timed(*args, **kw):
        s = datetime.now()
        result = method(*args, **kw)
        e = datetime.now()

        print method.__name__, '(%r, %r)' % (args, kw), e - s
        return result
    return timed

class Obj(object):
    def __init__(self, i):
       self.i = i
       self.l = []

class SlotObj(object):
    __slots__ = ('i', 'l')
    def __init__(self, i):
       self.i = i
       self.l = []

def profile_dict_of_dict():
    return dict((i, {'i': i, 'l': []}) for i in xrange(ITER_COUNT))

def profile_list_of_dict():
    return [{'i': i, 'l': []} for i in xrange(ITER_COUNT)]

def profile_dict_of_obj():
    return dict((i, Obj(i)) for i in xrange(ITER_COUNT))

def profile_list_of_obj():
    return [Obj(i) for i in xrange(ITER_COUNT)]

def profile_dict_of_slotobj():
    return dict((i, SlotObj(i)) for i in xrange(ITER_COUNT))

def profile_list_of_slotobj():
    return [SlotObj(i) for i in xrange(ITER_COUNT)]

if __name__ == '__main__':


hbrown@hbrown-lpt:~$ python ~/Dropbox/src/StackOverflow/1336791.py 
profile_dict_of_dict ((), {}) 0:00:08.228094
profile_list_of_dict ((), {}) 0:00:06.040870
profile_dict_of_obj ((), {}) 0:00:11.481681
profile_list_of_obj ((), {}) 0:00:10.893125
profile_dict_of_slotobj ((), {}) 0:00:06.381897
profile_list_of_slotobj ((), {}) 0:00:05.860749

There is no question.
You have data, with no other attributes (no methods, nothing). Hence you have a data container (in this case, a dictionary).

I usually prefer to think in terms of data modeling. If there is some huge performance issue, then I can give up something in the abstraction, but only with very good reasons.
Programming is all about managing complexity, and the maintaining the correct abstraction is very often one of the most useful way to achieve such result.

About the reasons an object is slower, I think your measurement is not correct.
You are performing too little assignments inside the for loop, and therefore what you see there is the different time necessary to instantiate a dict (intrinsic object) and a "custom" object. Although from the language perspective they are the same, they have quite a different implementation.
After that, the assignment time should be almost the same for both, as in the end members are maintained inside a dictionary.