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Determining Bit-Depth of a wav file

I am looking for a fast, preferably standard library mechanism to determine the bit-depth of wav file e.g. '16-bit' or '24-bit'.

I am using a subprocess call to Sox to get a plethora of audio metadata but a subprocess call is very slow and the only information I can only currently get reliably from Sox is the bit-depth.

The built in wave module does not have a function like "getbitdepth()" and is also not compatible with 24bit wav files - I could use a 'try except' to access the files metadata using the wave module (if it works, manually record that it is 16bit) then on except call sox instead (where sox will perform the analysis to accurately record its bitdepth). My concern is that that this approach feels like guess work. What if a an 8bit file is read? I would be manually assigning 16-bit when it is not.

SciPy.io.wavefile also is not compatible with 24bit audio so creates a similar issue.

This tutorial is really interesting and even includes some really low level (low level for Python at least) scripting examples to extract information from the wav files headers - unfortunately these scripts don't work for 16-bit audio.

Is there any way to simply (and without calling sox) determine what bit-depth the wav file I'm checking has?

The wave header parser script I'm using is as follows:

import struct
import os

def print_wave_header(f):
    Function takes an audio file path as a parameter and 
    returns a dictionary of metadata parsed from the header
    r = {} #the results of the header parse
    r['path'] = f
    fin = open(f,"rb") # Read wav file, "r flag" - read, "b flag" - binary 
    ChunkID=fin.read(4) # First four bytes are ChunkID which must be "RIFF" in ASCII
    ChunkSizeString=fin.read(4) # Total Size of File in Bytes - 8 Bytes
    ChunkSize=struct.unpack('I',ChunkSizeString) # 'I' Format is to to treat the 4 bytes as unsigned 32-bit inter
    TotalSize=ChunkSize[0]+8 # The subscript is used because struct unpack returns everything as tuple
    DataSize=TotalSize-44 # This is the number of bytes of data
    Format=fin.read(4) # "WAVE" in ASCII
    SubChunk1ID=fin.read(4) # "fmt " in ASCII
    SubChunk1SizeString=fin.read(4) # Should be 16 (PCM, Pulse Code Modulation)
    SubChunk1Size=struct.unpack("I",SubChunk1SizeString) # 'I' format to treat as unsigned 32-bit integer
    AudioFormatString=fin.read(2) # Should be 1 (PCM)
    AudioFormat=struct.unpack("H",AudioFormatString) ## 'H' format to treat as unsigned 16-bit integer
    NumChannelsString=fin.read(2) # Should be 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
    NumChannels=struct.unpack("H",NumChannelsString) # 'H' unsigned 16-bit integer
    SampleRateString=fin.read(4) # Should be 44100 (CD sampling rate)
    ByteRateString=fin.read(4) # 44100*NumChan*2 (88200 - Mono, 176400 - Stereo)
    ByteRate=struct.unpack("I",ByteRateString) # 'I' unsigned 32 bit integer
    BlockAlignString=fin.read(2) # NumChan*2 (2 - Mono, 4 - Stereo)
    BlockAlign=struct.unpack("H",BlockAlignString) # 'H' unsigned 16-bit integer
    BitsPerSampleString=fin.read(2) # 16 (CD has 16-bits per sample for each channel)
    BitsPerSample=struct.unpack("H",BitsPerSampleString) # 'H' unsigned 16-bit integer
    SubChunk2ID=fin.read(4) # "data" in ASCII
    SubChunk2SizeString=fin.read(4) # Number of Data Bytes, Same as DataSize
    S1String=fin.read(2) # Read first data, number between -32768 and 32767
    S2String=fin.read(2) # Read second data, number between -32768 and 32767
    S3String=fin.read(2) # Read second data, number between -32768 and 32767
    S4String=fin.read(2) # Read second data, number between -32768 and 32767
    S5String=fin.read(2) # Read second data, number between -32768 and 32767
    return r
like image 245
user3535074 Avatar asked Sep 13 '17 17:09


People also ask

Is WAV 16 or 24-bit better?

16-bit is acceptable but 24-bit will likely produce a better end result. Also, depending on the playback device, the audio might play back at 44.1k, or 48k sample rate. This means that your audio is likely to have the sample rate converted at some point after it leaves the mastering studio.

2 Answers

Esentially the same answer as from Matthias, but with copy-pastable code.


pip install soundfile


import soundfile as sf

ob = sf.SoundFile('example.wav')
print('Sample rate: {}'.format(ob.samplerate))
print('Channels: {}'.format(ob.channels))
print('Subtype: {}'.format(ob.subtype))


  • Channels: Usually 2, meaning you have one left speaker and one right speaker.
  • Sample rate: Audio signals are analog, but we want to represent them digitally. Meaning we want to discretize them in value and in time. The sample rate gives how many times per second we get a value. The unit is Hz. The sample rate needs to be at least double of the highest frequency in the original sound, otherwise you get aliasing. Human hearing range goes from ~20Hz to ~20kHz, so you can cut off anything above 20kHZ. Meaning a sample rate of more than 40kHz does not make much sense.
  • Bit-depth: The higher the bit-depth, the more dynamic range can be captured. Dynamic range is the difference between the quietest and loudest volume of an instrument, part or piece of music. A typical value seems to be 16 bit or 24 bit. A bit-depth of 16 bit has a theoretical dynamic range of 96 dB, whereas 24 bit has a dynamic range of 144 dB (source).
  • Subtype: PCM_16 means 16 bit depth, where PCM stands for Pulse-Code Modulation.


If you only look for a command line tool, then I can recommend MediaInfo:

$ mediainfo example.wav
Complete name                            : example.wav
Format                                   : Wave
File size                                : 83.2 MiB
Duration                                 : 8 min 14 s
Overall bit rate mode                    : Constant
Overall bit rate                         : 1 411 kb/s

Format                                   : PCM
Format settings                          : Little / Signed
Codec ID                                 : 1
Duration                                 : 8 min 14 s
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 1 411.2 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Sampling rate                            : 44.1 kHz
Bit depth                                : 16 bits
Stream size                              : 83.2 MiB (100%)
like image 142
Martin Thoma Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10

Martin Thoma

I highly recommend the soundfile module (but mind you, I'm very biased because I wrote a large part of it).

There you can open your file as a soundfile.SoundFile object, which has a subtype attribute that holds the information you are looking for.

In your case that would probably be 'PCM_16' or 'PCM_24'.

like image 41
Matthias Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10
