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Dependently typed 'ZipVector' Applicatives

I've made myself a "ZipVector" style Applicative on finite Vectors which uses a sum type to glue finite vectors to Units which model "infinite" vectors.

data ZipVector a = Unit a | ZipVector (Vector a)
             deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Functor ZipVector where
  fmap f (Unit a)  = Unit (f a)
  fmap f (ZipVector va) = ZipVector (fmap f va)

instance Applicative ZipVector where
  pure = Unit
  Unit f   <*> p        = fmap f p
  pf       <*> Unit x   = fmap ($ x) pf
  ZipVector vf <*> ZipVector vx = ZipVector $ V.zipWith ($) vf vx

This will probably be sufficient for my needs, but I idly wanted a "Fixed Dimensional" one modeled on the applicative instances you can get with dependently typed "Vector"s.

data Point d a = Point (Vector a) deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Functor (Point d) where
  fmap f (Point va) = Point (fmap f va)

instance Applicative Point where
  pure = Vector.replicate reifiedDimension
  Point vf <*> Point vx = Point $ V.zipWith ($) vf vx

where the d phantom parameter is a type-level Nat. How can I (if it's possible) write reifiedDimension in Haskell? Moreover, again if possible, given (Point v1) :: Point d1 a and (Point v2) :: Point d2 a how can I get length v1 == length v2 can I get d1 ~ d2?

like image 683
J. Abrahamson Avatar asked Oct 05 '22 07:10

J. Abrahamson

1 Answers

How can I (if it's possible) write reifiedDimension in Haskell?

Using GHC.TypeLits and ScopedTypeVariables:

instance SingI d => Applicative (Point d) where
  pure = Point . Vector.replicate reifiedDimension
    where reifiedDimension = fromInteger $ fromSing (sing :: Sing d)

See my answer here for a full example.

Moreover, again if possible, given (Point v1) :: Point d1 a and (Point v2) :: Point d2 a how can I get length v1 == length v2 can I get d1 ~ d2?

With Data.Vector, no. You'd need a vector type that encodes the length in the type. The best you can do is to maintain this yourself and encapsulate it by not exporting the Point constructor.

like image 121
hammar Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 19:10
