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Dependency injection and factory

Trying to figure out how to best handle the following scenario:

Assume a RequestContext class which has a dependency to an external service, such as:

public class RequestContext : IRequestContext
    private readonly ServiceFactory<IWeatherService> _weatherService;

    public RequestContext(ServiceFactory<IWeatherService> weatherService, UserLocation location, string query)
       _weatherService = weatherService;

What sort of dependency should I require in the class that will ultimately instantiate RequestContext? It could be ServiceFactory<IWeatherService>, but that doesn't seem right, or I could create an IRequestContextFactory for it along the lines of:

public class RequestContextFactory : IRequestContextFactory
    private readonly ServiceFactory<IWeatherService> _weatherService;

    public RequestContextFactory(ServiceFactory<IWeatherService> weatherService)
        _weatherService = weatherService;

    public RequestContext Create(UserLocation location, string query)
        return new RequestContext(_weatherService, location, query);

And then pass the IRequestContextFactory through constructor injection.

This seems like a good way to do it, but the problem with this approach is that I think it hinders discoverability (devs must know about the factory and implement it, which is not really apparent).

Is there a better/more discoverable way that I'm missing?

like image 854
andreialecu Avatar asked Jun 10 '10 12:06


People also ask

What is difference between factory and dependency injection?

Dependency Injection is more of a architectural pattern for loosely coupling software components. Factory pattern is just one way to separate the responsibility of creating objects of other classes to another entity. Factory pattern can be called as a tool to implement DI.

What is factory in dependency injection?

Factory and Dependency injection both are the design pattern which can be used to enhance loose coupling abilities between the software components. Factory design pattern is used to create objects. But, injection and life cycle management of the object should be handled by programmer within the application.

What are the three types of dependency injection?

Types of DI There are three main styles of dependency injection, according to Fowler: Constructor Injection (also known as Type 3), Setter Injection (also known as Type 2), and Interface Injection (also known as Type 1).

What is dependency injection with example?

Dependency injection (DI) is a technique widely used in programming and well suited to Android development. By following the principles of DI, you lay the groundwork for good app architecture. Implementing dependency injection provides you with the following advantages: Reusability of code.

1 Answers

The beauty of loose coupling is that we can constantly hide away the previous details.

From the perspective of a consumer of IRequestContext the existence of RequestContext and its dependencies is purely an implementation detail. Because of the Liskov Substitution Principle, the consumer must only deal with IRequestContext:

public class MyClass
    private readonly IRequestContext reqCtx;

    public MyClass(IRequestContext reqCtx)
        if (reqCtx == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("reqCtx");

        this.reqCtx = reqCtx;

    // Implement using this.reqCtx...

Only at the application's Composition Root do you need to finally wire everything together. Here's a sketch of a Poor Man's DI approach:

ServiceFactory<IWeatherService> weatherService =
    new ServiceFactory<IWeatherService>();
UserLocation location = new UserLocation;
string query = "foo";

IRequestContext reqCtx = new RequestContext(weatherService, location, query);

var mc = new MyClass(reqCtx);
like image 185
Mark Seemann Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Mark Seemann