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deno import JSON file as module





I have a simple file that imports a json:


import json from './file.json'

However, deno throws the following error when importing a json file:

$ deno run main.ts
Compile file:///home/path/to/project/main.ts
error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot resolve extension for "file:///home/path/file.json" with mediaType "Json".
    at getExtension ($deno$/compiler.ts:218:13)
    at new SourceFile ($deno$/compiler.ts:263:22)
    at Function.addToCache ($deno$/compiler.ts:339:16)
    at processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:743:31)
    at async processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:753:7)
    at async compile ($deno$/compiler.ts:1316:31)
    at async tsCompilerOnMessage ($deno$/compiler.ts:1548:22)
    at async workerMessageRecvCallback ($deno$/runtime_worker.ts:74:9)

The file path is correct and the file is a valid JSON. The Typescript compiler should allow this by default.

I also tried to explicitly enable resolveJsonModule:


  "compilerOptions": {
    "resolveJsonModule": true
  "include": [

and run it with the config but still get the same error:

$ deno run main.ts --config=tsconfig.json
Compile file:///home/path/to/project/main.ts
error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot resolve extension for "file:///home/path/file.json" with mediaType "Json".
    at getExtension ($deno$/compiler.ts:218:13)
    at new SourceFile ($deno$/compiler.ts:263:22)
    at Function.addToCache ($deno$/compiler.ts:339:16)
    at processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:743:31)
    at async processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:753:7)
    at async compile ($deno$/compiler.ts:1316:31)
    at async tsCompilerOnMessage ($deno$/compiler.ts:1548:22)
    at async workerMessageRecvCallback ($deno$/runtime_worker.ts:74:9)

What's wrong here?

like image 646
Jankapunkt Avatar asked May 20 '20 07:05


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2 Answers

Since Deno 1.17 JSON can now once again be imported in ESM. Import assertions must now be used:

import data from "./file.json" assert { type: "json" };

For more info, see https://examples.deno.land/importing-json.

like image 193
Luca Casonato Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Luca Casonato

As per the following thread support for reading json files was removed just before shipping deno 1.0


However, you can use the following syntax for reading a json file

Deno.readTextFile('./file.json').then(data => {


const data = JSON.parse(Deno.readTextFileSync('./file.json'));

Also, be sure to run the file containing above code with --allow-read flag. Otherwise you will ge a permission denied error

deno run --allow-read index.ts
like image 38
Afeef Janjua Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09

Afeef Janjua