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build json array in php dynamically




I can create simple json objects like this:

$d = array('item' => "$name" ,'rate' => "$rating");

But what if I want to build an array of items and do it dynamically since I am building it from a db query?


Let me be more specific I know I have to do:

$jsonCode = json_encode($d);

which will create a json object with an item and rate field. But I want multiple json objects in a json array when i encode it.

What I want json wise is something like this:

[{"item":"toy","rating":"baz" },{"item":"bike","rating":"2.3" }, {"item":"juice","rating":"1.3" }]
like image 546
Mike Avatar asked Jun 26 '13 23:06


3 Answers

But I want multiple json objects in a json array when i encode it.

Then create an array of arrays and pass it to json_encode. The documentation about arrays explains how to add elements to an array, in the section Creating/modifying with square bracket syntax.

Associative arrays, like the one you already have, will be encoded as objects, "normal" arrays (arrays with consecutive numerical keys) will be encoded as arrays.


$d = array();

// This appends a new element to $d, in this case the value is another array
$d[] = array('item' => "$name" ,'rate' => "$rating");

$json = json_encode($d);
like image 101
Felix Kling Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 05:10

Felix Kling

This will create a multi-dimensional array from your database query, and then encode it as JSON.

$d = array();
while ($row = $stmt->fetch_assoc()) {
  $d[] = $row;
$json = json_encode($d);

Each $row will be an associative array of the data returned from the database. Assigning it to $d[] adds it as an indexed element of that container array.

like image 9
Barmar Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 06:10


What you can do is create a php array dynamically as you want then covert it into a json array as below.

$json_array = json_encode($array);

Keep in mind that what you have provided is not a json array

like image 1
Techie Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10
