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Delete test in rspec - change(Model, :count) failing - Why is reload needed?

TLDR: App.count needs a reload to see a created record. Why?

I've found lots of references to testing a DELETE method that look like this:

expect { delete_request }.to change(App, :count).by(-1)

This makes sense, and works in some similar scenarios. However, I'm seeing an issue when testing for a delete that should NOT work, such as when no user is logged in.

Here is where I started, with two approaches to testing the same thing:

require 'rails_helper'

RSpec.describe V1::AppsController, type: :controller do
  let(:user) { create(:user) }
  let(:app) { create(:app, account: user.account) }

  describe 'DELETE destroy when you are not logged in' do
    let(:delete_request) { delete :destroy, id: app, format: :json }

    it 'does not delete the app (.count)' do
      expect { delete_request }.not_to change(App, :count)

    it 'does not delete the app (.exists?)' do
      expect(App.exists?(app.id)).to eq(true)

This is what rspec said:

  DELETE destroy when you are not logged in
    does not delete the app (.count) (FAILED - 1)
    does not delete the app (.exists?)


  1) V1::AppsController DELETE destroy when you are not logged in does not delete the app (.count)
     Failure/Error: expect { delete_request }.not_to change(App, :count)
       expected #count not to have changed, but did change from 0 to 1
     # ./spec/controllers/v1/delete_test_1.rb:11:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

2 examples, 1 failure

Note the most perplexing part: expected #count not to have changed, but did change from 0 to 1 . HUH? I attempt to make an illegal delete, and my record count grows by one? Also note that checking explicitly checking the subject record still exists works.

So I played around some more and found I could fix the problem with a reload prior to expect() :

it 'does not delete the app (.count)' do
  puts "App.count is #{App.count} (after create(:app))"
  puts "App.count is #{App.count} (after reload)"
  expect { delete_request }.not_to change(App, :count)
  puts "App.count is #{App.count} (after request)"

Now rspec is happy:

  DELETE destroy when you are not logged in
App.count is 0 (after create(:app))
App.count is 1 (after reload)
App.count is 1 (after request)
    does not delete the app (.count)
    does not delete the app (.exists?)

2 examples, 0 failures

From all this, I've decided to stick with the exists? approach. But another (possibly bigger) concern is that all the samples of tests I found on the interwebs to test for creating records like expect { create_request }.to change(App, :count).by(1) might be false positives, if they are seeing the same result as I am, and assuming the record was created when in fact it was a caching artifact?

So, any idea why App.count needs a reload to see the current value?

like image 401
David Hempy Avatar asked Feb 05 '15 17:02

David Hempy

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1 Answers

This happens because when ruby invokes the delete_request method, it invokes the app method, and it creates one App

To test this, create the app before calling the expect rspec method:

it 'does not delete the app (.count)' do
  app #creates the app
  expect { delete_request }.not_to change(App, :count)

Take a look at let's documentation:

Use let to define a memoized helper method. The value will be cached across multiple calls in the same example but not across examples.

Note that let is lazy-evaluated: it is not evaluated until the first time the method it defines is invoked. You can use let! to force the method's invocation before each example.


like image 146
Rodrigo Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 07:09
