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Rails: After putting devise routes in namespace, the name of model are prefixed with the namespace. How to remove it?

I am using devise for authentication in my Rails RESTFul API service. Devise enables me to create a new user using [POST] http://domain/users with form_data:

[user]password = 123
[user]email = [email protected]
[user]password_confirmation = 123

Then I put devise_for in namespace like this

namespace :api do
  namespace :v1 do
    devise_for :users,
               controllers: {
                   :registrations => 'api/v1/registrations',
                   :sessions => 'api/v1/sessions',
                   :passwords => 'api/v1/passwords'

The file structure of controllers looks like this.

├── api
│   └── v1
│       ├── passwords_controller.rb
│       ├── registrations_controller.rb
│       └── sessions_controller.rb
├── application_controller.rb

After I made this change, I should use [POST] http://domain/api/v1/users to create a new user, but with the following form_data

[api_v1_user]password = 123
[api_v1_user]email = [email protected]
[api_v1_user]password_confirmation = 123

I don't want the model name (i.e. user) to be prefixed by api_v1_. Because if someday I switched my api version to v2, then I have to update all my client side API call!

Any ideas?

like image 645
John Wu Avatar asked Oct 01 '14 09:10

John Wu

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2 Answers

You can try the following in your routes

namespace :api, as: nil do
  namespace :v1, as: nil do |version|
    devise_for :users,
               controllers: {
                   :registrations => "api/#{version}/registrations",
                   :sessions => "api/#{version}/sessions",
                   :passwords => "api/#{version}/passwords"
like image 112
Bachan Smruty Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09

Bachan Smruty

Check out devise Configuring Routes doc. You can achieve this by customizing the api routes yourself. E.g

namespace :api do
  namespace :v1 do
   devise_scope :user do
    resources :sessions,        defaults: {format: :json}
    resources :registrations,   defaults: {format: :json}
like image 29
dre-hh Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
