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DELETE statement conflicted with REFERENCE constraint

Ok, here is a strange one. I have a routine that goes through and makes several deletions of old data. Ive had a few people complain about getting the error:

 System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The DELETE statement conflicted with
 the REFERENCE constraint

Looking at my code (im using L2S), i dont see how this is possible. But ok, lets say it is. I ask the customer to send me their DB so i can debug it some, one catch: When i hook it up to my SQL server and run the routine, i get no errors. Everything works & deletes as expected. This is a SQL 2008 Express instance on Win2008 that the DB originally comes from, and I hook it up to a full SQL 2008 instance. Are there any differences that would cause such behavior?

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Mike_G Avatar asked Oct 18 '10 21:10


1 Answers

Get the client to grab the sql profiler logs and check what sql is running. Compare this with the data in the tables to verify the constraint.

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Preet Sangha Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 10:10

Preet Sangha