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Creating A Loosely-Coupled / Scalable software architecture

I've been researching this for weeks. I'm currently designing a loosely-coupled architecture design using n-tier (3-layered) method and factory design approach. My goal is to put each client's business logic (ClientA.DLL, ClientB.DLL) in separate namespaces so that the project scales out, meaning I can modify/remove/add a specific client's business logic without affecting the others, because they're not dependent on each other. Then I invoke the client's namespaces/class using the client's unique identifier (a string value that is maintained in the database) via the Factory namespace. The Factory.DLL also hides the per-client logic, while the BusinessAbstract.DLL serves as the Layout or the Template that the per-client's classes will be using.

Here is the project solution:

alt text

And here is the actual code:


namespace BusinessAbstract
   // the entity / data transfer object
   public class MemberDTO
      public string MemberID { get; set; }
      public string MemberName { get; set; }

   // the interface
   public interface IMaintainable
      void Add();
      void Edit();
      void Delete();

  // the base abstract class, implements the Entity and the Interface
  public abstract class Member : MemberDTO, IMaintainable
    // Implement IMaintanable but change it to abstract
    public abstract void Add();
    public abstract void Edit();
    public abstract void Delete();

    // a method with Database access, get from DAL
    public virtual MemberDTO GetMemberDetails(params object[] args)
        return DAL.MemberDAL.FetchMemberDetails(args);

    public virtual string GetClientBLL()
        return "base's method";

ClientA implementation of the AbstractBusinessRule


 namespace ClientA
    public class _Member : BusinessAbstract.Member
       public override void Add()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

      public override void Edit()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

      public override void Delete()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

      public override string GetClientBLL()
        return "ClientA Method";

The Factory


 public static class Invoker
     public static T GetMemberInstance<T>(string clientCode)
        where T : Member, IMaintainable
        Type objType = Type.GetType(clientCode + "._Member," + clientCode);
        return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(objType);

Sample implementation on Presentation Tier

the Website

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    // invoke Member class using String hardcode
    Member obj = Invoker.GetMemberInstance<Member>("ClientA");
    Response.Write(obj.GetClientBLL()); //prints clientA method

    obj = Invoker.GetMemberInstance<Member>("ClientB");
    Response.Write(obj.GetClientBLL()); //prints clientB method


And you'll also notice that I have a DAL folder in each of the client DLLs as well as the AbstractBusinessRule DLL, because I also want to scale the DAL layer and use the layer structure "UI-BLL-DAL."

Any comments/suggestion about this design are welcome. I'm hoping for input on how I can improve this structure. Thanks in advance.

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CSharpNoob Avatar asked Sep 17 '10 18:09


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What is loose coupling in software architecture?

Loose coupling is an approach to interconnecting the components in a system or network so that those components, also called elements, depend on each other to the least extent practicable. Coupling refers to the degree of direct knowledge that one element has of another.

Which is loosely coupled architecture?

Loosely coupled architecture is an architectural style where the individual components of an application are built independently from one another (the opposite paradigm of tightly coupled architectures).

What is loosely coupled in software?

Loose coupling refers to the connection between components of a system or network, such as software applications or hardware. It's an approach in which components (or elements), although connected, aren't dependent on one another.

Is a loosely coupled application layer architecture?

In computer science, the term loosely coupled refers to different systems that can interoperate with minimal dependencies on each other. For example, if a client application communicates to the server application using only a well-defined web service, the two layers can be said to be loosely coupled.

1 Answers

The only thing I see, and I mist just be missing this in looking at your post, but I don't see a DAL interface definition or abstraction layer that seperates it from your BL in the way your BL is abstracted from your presentation.

This is important because it gives you the flexibility in the future to create a new business layer using the same data without having to rewrite the DAL, or replacing your database with flat CSV files/mocks in unit testing/a 3rd party maintained soap web service response, or whatever else might be a better data storage mechanism in the future.

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Jimmy Hoffa Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Jimmy Hoffa