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Delete all the records

People also ask

How do I delete records?

Press DELETE, select Home > Records > Delete, or press Ctrl+Minus Sign (-).

To delete all records from a table without deleting the table.

DELETE FROM table_name use with care, there is no undo!

To remove a table

DROP TABLE table_name

from a table?

You can use this if you have no foreign keys to other tables

truncate table TableName


delete TableName

if you want all tables

sp_msforeachtable 'delete ?'

Use the DELETE statement

Delete From <TableName>


Delete from Student;

I can see the that the others answers shown above are right, but I'll make your life easy.

I even created an example for you. I added some rows and want delete them.

You have to right click on the table and as shown in the figure Script Table a> Delete to> New query Editor widows:

enter image description here

Then another window will open with a script. Delete the line of "where", because you want to delete all rows. Then click Execute.

enter image description here

To make sure you did it right right click over the table and click in "Select Top 1000 rows". Then you can see that the query is empty.