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defmacro with defclass

I have a class in Common Lisp:

(defclass my-cool-class()
    :initarg :variable1
    :accessor variable1
    :initform (error "Must supply value to variable1"))
    :initarg :variable2
    :accessor variable2
    :initform (error "Must supply value to variable2"))

I wanted to create a macro that would simplify this redundancy of typing

(defmacro make-slot (slot-name)
     :initarg :,slot-name
     :accessor :,slot-name
     :initform (error "Must supply value")))

Eventually I'd like to have (defclass my-cool-class () (make-slots '(foo bar baz)) and get foo, bar, and baz out as slots automagically.

But, when I went to do a macroexpand-1 of make-slot, boy howdy did I get reader errors.

The first one was "illegal terminating character after a colon..." and then it kept going.

SBCL 1.0.37.

edit: the examples are syntactically correct on the system, I did some redaction before I copied.

Six months later -

(defun build-var (classname var)
  (list var 
        :initform nil
        :accessor (intern (concatenate 'string (string classname) "-" 
                                       (string var)))
        :initarg (intern (string var) :keyword)))

(defun build-varlist (classname varlist)
   (loop for var in varlist 
         collect (build-var classname var)))

(defmacro defobject (name &rest varlist)
  "Defines a class with a set of behavior. 
   Variables are accessed by name-varname.

   (defobject classname v1 v2 v3)
  `(defclass ,name ()
     ,(build-varlist name varlist))):

Two and a half years later.

I discovered the six-month-old code in the wild elsewhere. While I'm flattered, it also reminds me to update this.

If you like this idea, I keep this code gardened at: https://github.com/pnathan/defobject . As before, its goal is to produce CLOS classes with the minimum of repetitive typing. A similar system exists called DEFCLASS-STAR. Interested parties are advised to review both.

like image 606
Paul Nathan Avatar asked Oct 06 '10 00:10

Paul Nathan

1 Answers

You can't put macros in code where you want. Read the syntax for a construct in CLHS.

For example you can't do:

(defun foo (make-arg-list 'a 'b) a b)

DEFUN expects an arglist and not a function that creates an arglist.

Lisp expands macros, where Lisp forms are expected. Where other lists (for example a list of slots) are expected, Lisp does not macroexpand.

Similar DEFCLASS expects a list of slots and not a function that creates a list of slots. Similar for the list of slots, DEFCLASS expects each slot to be either a name or a list describing the slot.

See the syntax of DEFCLASS: http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/m_defcla.htm

You can't also put commas where you want.

Probabaly a basic Lisp book might help. Read about the Lisp syntax.


above is not meaningful.

The comma operator puts items into backquoted lists. It does not put items into symbols.

If you want to create a symbol, you need to call INTERN or MAKE-SYMBOL.


Write a MY-DEFCLASS macro that allows a shorter syntax and expands into DEFCLASS. There are already DEFCLASS* macros that are doing something like that in libraries.

like image 92
Rainer Joswig Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 12:10

Rainer Joswig