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Default value in Go's method



People also ask

What is default value of variable in Go?

In Go, when a variable is declared it is initialized with zero value as described in the specification.

Does Golang have optional parameters?

Go does not have optional parameters nor does it support method overloading: Method dispatch is simplified if it doesn't need to do type matching as well.

What is default value function?

A default argument is a value provided in a function declaration that is automatically assigned by the compiler if the calling function doesn't provide a value for the argument. In case any value is passed, the default value is overridden.

How do you make an optional parameter in Golang?

Use the variadic Function to Pass Optional Parameters in Go int) { fmt. Print(nums, " ") total := 0 for _, num := range nums { total += num } fmt. Println(total) } func main() { sum(1, 2) sum(1, 2, 3) nums := []int{1, 2, 3, 4} sum(nums...) }

NO,but there are some other options to implement default value. There are some good blog posts on the subject, but here are some specific examples.

**Option 1:** The caller chooses to use default values
// Both parameters are optional, use empty string for default value
func Concat1(a string, b int) string {
  if a == "" {
    a = "default-a"
  if b == 0 {
    b = 5

  return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", a, b)

**Option 2:** A single optional parameter at the end
// a is required, b is optional.
// Only the first value in b_optional will be used.
func Concat2(a string, b_optional ...int) string {
  b := 5
  if len(b_optional) > 0 {
    b = b_optional[0]

  return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", a, b)

**Option 3:** A config struct
// A declarative default value syntax
// Empty values will be replaced with defaults
type Parameters struct {
  A string `default:"default-a"` // this only works with strings
  B string // default is 5

func Concat3(prm Parameters) string {
  typ := reflect.TypeOf(prm)

  if prm.A == "" {
    f, _ := typ.FieldByName("A")
    prm.A = f.Tag.Get("default")

  if prm.B == 0 {
    prm.B = 5

  return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", prm.A, prm.B)

**Option 4:** Full variadic argument parsing (javascript style)
func Concat4(args ...interface{}) string {
  a := "default-a"
  b := 5

  for _, arg := range args {
    switch t := arg.(type) {
      case string:
        a = t
      case int:
        b = t
        panic("Unknown argument")

  return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", a, b)

No, the powers that be at Google chose not to support that.


No, there is no way to specify defaults. I believer this is done on purpose to enhance readability, at the cost of a little more time (and, hopefully, thought) on the writer's end.

I think the proper approach to having a "default" is to have a new function which supplies that default to the more generic function. Having this, your code becomes clearer on your intent. For example:

func SaySomething(say string) {
    // All the complicated bits involved in saying something

func SayHello() {

With very little effort, I made a function that does a common thing and reused the generic function. You can see this in many libraries, fmt.Println for example just adds a newline to what fmt.Print would otherwise do. When reading someone's code, however, it is clear what they intend to do by the function they call. With default values, I won't know what is supposed to be happening without also going to the function to reference what the default value actually is.