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Default text (placeholder) in InputText component

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I want to display a default Informative text in JSF/Primefaces inputText component.

  • This text should disappear when user clicks on Text field.
  • Appear when he clicks outside without typing anything.
  • If user submits the form without any value, this default value should not be set to Bean's Property.

I'm aware that setting the default value to BeanProperty in ManagedBean will work,but I don't want that.
Please suggest any JQuery tweaks,If possible.
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Kishor Prakash Avatar asked Aug 14 '13 12:08

Kishor Prakash

1 Answers

Primefaces provides a placeholder attribute in its latest versions which you can use for p:inputText. Also, there is a p:watermark component which creates a JS based solution for legacy browser compatibility. So you don't definitely need to set a default value into the backing bean. Just use one of the following solutions:

<h:outputLabel value="Search: "/>  
<p:inputText id="search_input_id" value="#{watermarkBean.keyword}" 
    required="true" label="Keyword" placeholder="search" />  

For legacy browsers:

<h:outputLabel value="Search: "/>  
<p:inputText id="search_input_id" value="#{watermarkBean.keyword}" 
    required="true" label="Keyword" />  
<p:watermark for="search_input_id" value="search" />

Also if using JSF 2.2, you can use its passthrough attributes. Adding xmlns:pt="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsf/passthrough" namespace to your page, you can achieve in the following way, both for JSF h:inputText and Primefaces p:inputText:

<h:inputText value="#{watermarkBean.keyword}"
    pt:placeholder="search" />

Or wrapping it into the tag with a TagHandler:

<h:inputText value="#{watermarkBean.keyword}">
    <f:passThroughAttribute name="placeholder"

Which creates HTML 5 based input with placeholder attribute:

<input placeholder="search"> 
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Xtreme Biker Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Xtreme Biker