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Convert HTML table to ul li using jquery

I want to convert HTML table to ul and li elements. my table structure is



I tried to convert this to



using jquery replaceWith function as below. Here I firstly going to convert <tbody> element.

$(document).ready(function() {
    var html = $(this).html();
    $(this).replaceWith("<ul>" + html + "</ul>");

but this not give any positive answer. Anybody have any idea how to do this.


like image 393
Miuranga Avatar asked Feb 12 '13 09:02


2 Answers

I would do it like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var ul = $("<ul>");
    $("table tr").each(function(){
        var li = $("<li>")
        $("th, td", this).each(function(){
            var p = $("<p>").html(this.innerHTML);

UL first is created, and than table is replaced with UL.

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/yXyCk/

like image 188
Viktor S. Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 14:11

Viktor S.


$('table').replaceWith( $('table').html()
   .replace(/<tbody/gi, "<ul id='table'")
   .replace(/<tr/gi, "<li")
   .replace(/<\/tr>/gi, "</li>")
   .replace(/<td/gi, "<p")
   .replace(/<\/td>/gi, "</p>")
   .replace(/<th/gi, "<p")
   .replace(/<\/th>/gi, "</p>")
   .replace(/<\/tbody/gi, "<\/ul")

Above code is tested and worked for me..

like image 6
Dipesh Parmar Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 14:11

Dipesh Parmar