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Deduce non-type template parameter

Is it possible to deduce a non-type template parameter from a template function parameter?

Consider this simple template:

template <int N> constexpr int factorial()
        return N * factorial<N - 1>();

template <> constexpr int factorial<0>()
        return 1;

template <> constexpr int factorial<1>()
        return 1;

I would like to be able to change factorial so that I can alternatively call it like this:


and let the compiler figure out the value of N at compile time. Is this possible? Maybe with some fancy C++11 addition?

like image 847
pezcode Avatar asked Jan 12 '12 14:01


1 Answers

Your current code would normally be written as follows, I believe:

constexpr factorial (int n)
    return n > 0 ? n * factorial( n - 1 ) : 1;

If you call it with a constant-expression, such as factorial(5), then all the compiler magic will come into play. But if you do int a = 3; factorial(a), then I think it will fall back on a conventional function - i.e. it won't have built a lookup table of pre-computed answers.

In general, you should mark every function and constructor as constexpr if you can. You lose nothing, the compiler will treat it as a normal function if necessary.

like image 83
Aaron McDaid Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Aaron McDaid