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Debug with Visual Studio Code not working

I'd like to be able to debug an Angular2 application with Visual Studio Code.

Here's my environment:

  • OS: Ubuntu 16.10 x64
  • Browser: Chromium 53.0.2785.143
  • Node: 6.8.0
  • Angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.19-3

Creating a new project with angular-cli :

ng new test-VSC-debug cd test-VSC-debug 

Then I open VSC and load the project : File/open folder

I click on the debug logo and I configure launch.json by selecting chrome. It generates the following file :

{     "version": "0.2.0",     "configurations": [         {             "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost, with sourcemaps",             "type": "chrome",             "request": "launch",             "url": "http://localhost:8080",             "sourceMaps": true,             "webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}"         },         {             "name": "Attach to Chrome, with sourcemaps",             "type": "chrome",             "request": "attach",             "port": 9222,             "sourceMaps": true,             "webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}"         }     ] } 

Then I just start the angular2 project by running :

ng serve 

Once it has started, in VSC I select : "Launch Chrome against localhost, with sourcemaps".

Then, I get the following error :
"Can't find chrome : Install it or set the runtimeExecutable field in the launch config."

So I set :
"runtimeExecutable": "chromium-browser"
(as I do not have chrome but chromium on my Ubuntu).

Angular-cli default port to launch the app is 4200. Change url from : "http://localhost:8080" to "http://localhost:4200".

Now the browser is opening the app but VSC has the following error: "Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000 ms - (reason: Cannot connect to the target: connect ECONREFUSED".

From other answers found on stackoverflow/github issues, I've read that I might have to kill all chrome instances before trying to do that, so I just close chromium and run killall chromium-browser.

I try to run the debug again : Same error as before (cannot connect).

I've also seen that the following arguments might help :

"runtimeArgs": [   "--remote-debugging-port=9222",   "--user-data-dir" ] 

But it does not change anything.

I decided to use VSC for my typescript devs (mostly angular2) and this way of debugging seems very powerful. I have the feeling that it'd be too bad not to use it :).

Thanks for any help !

PS: Some related stackoverflow questions and github issues :
- Debug & Run Angular2 Typescript with Visual Studio Code?
- https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/2453
- https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/1936
- https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/1281

EDIT 1: !!! Partial improvement !!! I found a way to have debug info within Visual Studio Code console ! So it's not perfect yet as breakpoints doesn't work but here's the thing. So far, if I opened http://localhost:9222 I was not able to see anything. ("localhost doesn't authorized the connection").

BUT, if I launch chromium like that :

chromium-browser --remote-debugging-port=9222 --user-data-dir=remote-profile 

The important thing is to notice that argument : --user-data-dir=remote-profile. If you just pass --user-data-dir it launches a new window with no one connected. But it's not enough. You need to pass remote-profile as value.

  • it opens a new browser window
  • I open http://localhost:4200 AND I can also reach http://localhost:9222 !
  • I'm able to connect VSC with "Attach to chrome with source map" option ! enter image description here (as you can see, I do have the "Angular 2 is running in the development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable the production mode." displayed in console and the footer now has an orange background)

So far, I hope it can help some people. But the problem now is that breakpoints are not working. enter image description here

I keep digging and 'll make another edit if I found why.

like image 841
maxime1992 Avatar asked Nov 05 '16 21:11


People also ask

Why Debug is not working in VS Code?

The most common problem is that you did not set up launch. json or there is a syntax error in that file. Alternatively, you might need to open a folder, since no-folder debugging does not support launch configurations.

How do I enable debugging in Visual Studio Code?

Switch to the Run and Debug view (Ctrl+Shift+D) and select the create a launch. json file link. VS Code will let you select an "debugger" in order to create a default launch configuration. Pick "Mock Debug".

How do I fix the Debug executable in Visual Studio?

Just go to File->Open->Project/Solution and browse to the .exe file. Like you would if it was a . sln file. Visual Studio will then open that EXE as a project.

How do you Debug a breakpoint in Visual Studio Code?

Set breakpoints in source code To set a breakpoint in source code, click in the far left margin next to a line of code. You can also select the line and press F9, select Debug > Toggle Breakpoint, or right-click and select Breakpoint > Insert breakpoint. The breakpoint appears as a red dot in the left margin.

1 Answers

I was able to solve this problem on OSX. The reason it's such a pain is there are multiple things causing the issue.

  1. You hit on the first with --user-data-dir=remote-profile: If you're already running Chrome (for example, already have tabs open - who doesn't?), you have to use a different userDataDir to have Chrome launch an independent instance.
    The correct way to do this, however, is to add "userDataDir": "${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/chrome", to your launch.json configuration (see below). This needs to be a path. If 'remote-profile' is used it attempts to find a relative directory named 'remote-profile'.
  2. You need to set sourceMapPathOverrides in your launch.json config, the value of which depends on your OS:
    OSX: "sourceMapPathOverrides": { "webpack:///./*": "${webRoot}/*" }
    Windows: "sourceMapPathOverrides": { "webpack:///C:*":"C:/*" }
    Linux: "sourceMapPathOverrides": { "webpack:///*": "/*" }
    (Note: I have not tested the Windows or Linux versions)

Here is my working launch.json on OSX:

{     // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible Node.js debug attributes.     // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.     // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387     "version": "0.2.0",          "configurations": [         {             "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost, with sourcemaps",             "type": "chrome",             "request": "launch",             "url": "http://localhost:4200",             // This forces chrome to run a brand new instance, allowing existing             // chrome windows to stay open.             "userDataDir": "${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/chrome",             "sourceMaps": true,             "webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}",             //"diagnosticLogging": true,             "sourceMapPathOverrides": { "webpack:///./*": "${webRoot}/*" }         },         {             "name": "Attach to Chrome, with sourcemaps",             "type": "chrome",             "request": "attach",             "url": "http://localhost:4200",             "port": 9222,             "sourceMaps": true,             "webRoot": "${workspaceRoot}",             "diagnosticLogging": true,             "sourceMapPathOverrides": { "webpack:///./*": "${webRoot}/*" }         }     ] } 

For this to work, run ng serve in a terminal, then hit F5 inside of Visual Studio Code.

Here are the versions I'm working with:

  • angular-cli: 1.0.0-beta.24
  • node: 7.3.0
  • Chrome: 55.0.2883.95
  • Visual Studio Code: 1.8.1
  • VSCode Extension "Debugger for Chrome" msjsdiag.debugger-for-chrome: 2.4.2
like image 118
Aaron F. Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Aaron F.