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Date model in jQuery datepicker

I need to store in th SQL-Server DB a date format "29-12-2014" using datepicker but I get the message The field XXX must be a date.

My last try was Regular Expression:

Model #1:

[RegularExpression(@"([3][0,1]|[0-2]\d)-([1][0-2]|[0]\d)-(\d\d\d\d)", ErrorMessage = "Valor inválido.")]
public Nullable<DateTime> ETD { get; set; }

Model #2:

[DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = true, DataFormatString = "{0:dd-MM-yyyy}")]
public Nullable<DateTime> ETD { get; set; }


<div class="editor-field">
    @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.ETD)
    @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.ETD)


$(function () {

I always get the message "The field ETD must be a date."

Any idea?


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Patrick Avatar asked Feb 27 '14 23:02


2 Answers

Its my understanding that the format 'dd-MM-yyyy' is the problem, here. The jquery unobtrusive validation is trying to instantiate a new Date(strVal) object, and it doesn't know what to do with the string '29-12-2014'.

See Unobtrusive validation in Chrome won't validate with dd/mm/yyyy

magritte answered that redefining the unobtrusive validator's date method, using the jQuery Globalize library, to parse with the desired format string should solve the issue:

$.validator.methods.date = function (value, element) {
    return this.optional(element) || Globalize.parseDate(value, "dd-MM-yyyy", "en");


I recreated your problem locally, and was able to replicate the 'required field validation not firing prior to form post' issue, when the Globalization library was not installed. Once I installed and loaded the library, the front-end worked as expected, with unobtrusive validation accepting the modified dd-MM-yyyy date.

The library can be installed using the NuGet package manager and the following package: http://www.nuget.org/packages/jquery-globalize/. Then you need to update your html to include the globalize.js script.

The back-end was another story, which is going to rely on your local machine's globalization profile. I am assuming you are running a non-en/us machine where this format might parse? My machine is english/us and does not natively parse the modified date format, however using the below command, I successfully got a valid datetime:

DateTime.ParseExact(Request.Form["ETD"], "dd-MM-yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
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DanS Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 22:10


This should work to set your format in the box:

    dateFormat    : 'dd-mm-yy'

Is the validation message coming from jQuery or C#? See this answer with respect to the former: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19519745/1803682

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Matthew Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10
