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Does Dapper's IEnumerable<T> have deferred or immediate execution?

When I execute a query in Dapper and only want to retrieve a block of records, can I use .Skip().Take(), or do I need use select top n * in the SQL?

eg Given a table with 10,000 records and I only want the first 200 because my list page only shows 200 per page. Do I run this?

conn.Query<Widget>("select * from Widgets").Skip((page - 1) * size).Take(size);

Or this:

conn.Query<Widget>("select top 200 * from Widgets");

Is Dapper's .Query<T> method deferred or not?

like image 936
JK. Avatar asked Oct 19 '13 00:10


People also ask

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You can implement deferred execution for your custom extension methods for IEnumerable using the yield keyword of C#. For example, you can implement custom extension method GetTeenAgerStudents for IEnumerable that returns a list of all students who are teenagers.

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In Deferred Execution, the query is not executed when declared. It is executed when the query object is iterated over a loop. In Immediate Execution, the query is executed when it is declared.

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There are two types of IQueryable extension methods: Deferred Methods: The query expression is modified but the query is not resolved (Select, Where, etc.). Immediate Methods: The query expression is modified and the query is resolved (Count, First, etc.).

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LINQ queries are always executed when the query variable is iterated over, not when the query variable is created. This is called deferred execution. You can also force a query to execute immediately, which is useful for caching query results.

1 Answers

You should use SELECT TOP n....

The Query<T> method has an optional parameter bool buffered = true, which when true loops through the full resultset, reading each row into a List<T>. You could make this parameter false, and the resulting IEnumerable<T> would be "deferred" in the sense that the db query would not be executed until you use it, and the rows would be retrieved from the db side "one at a time" (calls IDataReader.Read on each iteration).

So, yes, it can be "deferred". HOWEVER, you should still use TOP n because otherwise you would still execute and prepare the resultset for 10000 records on the db side, although you may transport only the first n rows of those to the client.

like image 89
Eren Ersönmez Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 23:11

Eren Ersönmez