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data.table NOT summarizing properly by two columns




I have this problem with data.table which is driving me crazy recently. It looks like a bug but may be I'm missing something obvious here.

I have the following data frame:

# First some data
data <- data.table(structure(list(
  month = structure(c(1356998400, 1356998400, 1356998400, 
                      1359676800, 1354320000, 1359676800, 1359676800, 1356998400, 1356998400, 
                      1354320000, 1354320000, 1354320000, 1359676800, 1359676800, 1359676800, 
                      1356998400, 1359676800, 1359676800, 1356998400, 1359676800, 1359676800, 
                      1359676800, 1359676800, 1354320000, 1354320000), class = c("POSIXct", 
                                                                                 "POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), 
  portal = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, 
  satisfaction = c(10L, 10L, 10L, 9L, 10L, 10L, 9L, 10L, 10L, 
                   9L, 2L, 8L, 10L, 9L, 10L, 10L, 9L, 10L, 10L, 10L, 9L, 10L, 9L, 
                   10L, 10L)), 
                  .Names = c("month", "portal", "satisfaction"), 
                  row.names = c(NA, -25L), class = "data.frame"))

I want to summarize it by both portal and month. Summarizing with good old tapply works as expected - I get 3x2 matrix with results for Dec-2012 and Jan-Feb 2013:

> tapply(data$satisfaction, list(data$month, data$portal), mean)
           FALSE      TRUE
2012-12-01   8.5  8.000000
2013-01-01  10.0 10.000000
2013-02-01   9.0  9.545455

Summarizing with by argument of data.table does not:

> data[, mean(satisfaction), by = 'month,portal']
   month      portal        V1
1: 2013-01-01  FALSE 10.000000
2: 2013-02-01   TRUE  9.000000
3: 2013-01-01   TRUE 10.000000
4: 2012-12-01  FALSE  8.500000
5: 2012-12-01   TRUE  7.333333
6: 2013-02-01   TRUE  9.666667
7: 2013-02-01  FALSE  9.000000
8: 2012-12-01   TRUE 10.000000

As you see, it returns a data table with 8 values, not 6 as expected; values where portal == TRUE and month == 2012-02-01 are duplicated, for example.

Interestingly enough, if I limit this just to 2013's data, everything works as expected:

> data[month >= ymd(20130101), mean(satisfaction), by = 'month,portal']
        month portal        V1
1: 2013-01-01   TRUE 10.000000
2: 2013-01-01  FALSE 10.000000
3: 2013-02-01   TRUE  9.545455
4: 2013-02-01  FALSE  9.000000

I am puzzled beyond believe :). Could somebody please help me?

like image 493
Victor K. Avatar asked Feb 25 '13 21:02

Victor K.

People also ask

How do I summarize a data table in R?

The easiest way to create summary tables in R is to use the describe() and describeBy() functions from the psych library. The following examples show how to use these functions in practice.

2 Answers

That is a known issue that was solved in data.table 1.8.7 (not in CRAN yet as of this writing).

From data.table NEWS:



o   setkey could sort 'double' columns (such as POSIXct) incorrectly when not the
    last column of the key, #2484. In data.table's C code :
        x[a] > x[b]-tol
    should have been :
        x[a]-x[b] > -tol  [or  x[b]-x[a] < tol ]
    The difference may have been machine/compiler dependent. Many thanks to statquant
    for the short reproducible example. Test added.

After updating to 1.8.7 with install.packages("data.table", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org"), everything works as expected.

like image 60
Victor K. Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

Victor K.

The problem seems to be with the sorting. When I load data and do setkey:

setkey(data, "month", "portal")

# > data
#          month portal satisfaction
#  1: 2012-12-01   TRUE           10
#  2: 2012-12-01  FALSE            9
#  3: 2012-12-01  FALSE            8
#  4: 2012-12-01   TRUE            2
#  5: 2012-12-01   TRUE           10
#  6: 2012-12-01   TRUE           10
#  7: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
#  8: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
#  9: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
# 10: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
# 11: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
# 12: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
# 13: 2013-01-01  FALSE           10
# 14: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
# 15: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
# 16: 2013-02-01  FALSE            9
# 17: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 18: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 19: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 20: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 21: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 22: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
# 23: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 24: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
# 25: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
#          month portal satisfaction

You see that the portal column is not properly sorted. When I do setkey again,

setkey(data, "month", "portal")

# I get this warning message:
Warning message:
In setkeyv(x, cols, verbose = verbose) :
  Already keyed by this key but had invalid row order, key rebuilt. 
  If you didn't go under the hood please let datatable-help know so 
  the root cause can be fixed.

Now, the data columns seem properly sorted by key columns:

# > data
#          month portal satisfaction
#  1: 2012-12-01  FALSE            9
#  2: 2012-12-01  FALSE            8
#  3: 2012-12-01   TRUE           10
#  4: 2012-12-01   TRUE            2
#  5: 2012-12-01   TRUE           10
#  6: 2012-12-01   TRUE           10
#  7: 2013-01-01  FALSE           10
#  8: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
#  9: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
# 10: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
# 11: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
# 12: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
# 13: 2013-01-01   TRUE           10
# 14: 2013-02-01  FALSE            9
# 15: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
# 16: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
# 17: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 18: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 19: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 20: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 21: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 22: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
# 23: 2013-02-01   TRUE           10
# 24: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
# 25: 2013-02-01   TRUE            9
#          month portal satisfaction

So, it seems to be an issue with sortting a POSIXct + logical types?

data[, mean(satisfaction), by=list(month, portal)]

#         month portal        V1
# 1: 2012-12-01  FALSE  8.500000
# 2: 2012-12-01   TRUE  8.000000
# 3: 2013-01-01  FALSE 10.000000
# 4: 2013-01-01   TRUE 10.000000
# 5: 2013-02-01  FALSE  9.000000
# 6: 2013-02-01   TRUE  9.545455

I therefore think there's a bug.

like image 44
Arun Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
