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data.table loses factor ordering after rbind, R

When rbinding two data.table with ordered factors, the ordering seems to be lost:

dtb1 = data.table(id = factor(c("a", "b"), levels = c("a", "c", "b"), ordered=T), key="id")
dtb2 = data.table(id = factor(c("c"), levels = c("a", "c", "b"), ordered=T), key="id") 
test = rbind(dtb1, dtb2)
#[1] FALSE

Any thoughts or ideas?

like image 952
Alex Avatar asked Oct 25 '13 00:10


2 Answers

data.table does some fancy footwork that means that data.table:::.rbind.data.table is called when rbind is called on objects including data.tables. .rbind.data.table utilizes the speedups associated with rbindlist, with a bit of extra checking to match by name etc.

.rbind.data.table deals with factor columns by using c to combine them (hence retaining the levels attribute)

# the relevant code is
l = lapply(seq_along(allargs[[1L]]), function(i) do.call("c", 
    lapply(allargs, "[[", i)))

In base R using c in this manner does not retain the "ordered" attribute, it doesn't even return a factor!

For example (in base R)

f <- factor(1:2, levels = 2:1, ordered=TRUE)
g <- factor(1:2, levels = 2:1, ordered=TRUE)
# it isn't ordered!
# [1] FALSE
# no suprise as it isn't even a factor!
# [1] FALSE

However data.table has an S3 method c.factor, which is used to ensure that a factor is returned and the levels are retained. Unfortunately this method does not retain the ordered attribute.

# A single object matching ‘c.factor’ was found
# It was found in the following places
#   namespace:data.table
# with value
# function (...) 
# {
#     args <- list(...)
#     for (i in seq_along(args)) if (!is.factor(args[[i]])) 
#         args[[i]] = as.factor(args[[i]])
#     newlevels = unique(unlist(lapply(args, levels), recursive = TRUE, 
#         use.names = TRUE))
#     ind <- fastorder(list(newlevels))
#     newlevels <- newlevels[ind]
#     nm <- names(unlist(args, recursive = TRUE, use.names = TRUE))
#     ans = unlist(lapply(args, function(x) {
#         m = match(levels(x), newlevels)
#         m[as.integer(x)]
#     }))
    structure(ans, levels = newlevels, names = nm, class = "factor")
<bytecode: 0x073f7f70>
<environment: namespace:data.table

So yes, this is a bug. It is now reported as #5019.

like image 101
mnel Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 18:11


As of version 1.8.11 data.table will combine ordered factors to result in ordered if a global order exists, and will complain and result in a factor if it doesn't exist:

DT1 = data.table(ordered('a', levels = c('a','b','c')))
DT2 = data.table(ordered('a', levels = c('a','d','b')))

rbind(DT1, DT2)$V1
#[1] a a
#Levels: a < d < b < c

DT3 = data.table(ordered('a', levels = c('b','a','c')))
rbind(DT1, DT3)$V1
#[1] a a
#Levels: a b c
#Warning message:
#In rbindlist(lapply(seq_along(allargs), function(x) { :
#  ordered factor levels cannot be combined, going to convert to simple factor instead

To contrast, here's what base R does:

rbind(data.frame(DT1), data.frame(DT2))$V1
#[1] a a
#Levels: a < b < c < d
# Notice that the resulting order does not respect the suborder for DT2

rbind(data.frame(DT1), data.frame(DT3))$V1
#[1] a a
#Levels: a < b < c
# Again, suborders are not respected and new order is created
like image 1
eddi Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 18:11
