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Efficient way to perform matrix multiplication repeatedly

I am trying to do the matrix multiplication S_g for each i, and each g with i. This is what I have tried so far, but it takes a huge amount of time to complete. Is there a more computationally efficient method to do exactly the same thing?

The main thing to note from this formula is the S_g uses X_gamma and Y[,i] in matrix multiplication set-up. X_gamma is dependent on value g. Therefore, for each i, I have to perform g matrix multiplications.

Here is the logic:

  • For each i, the computation needs to be done for each g. Then, for each g, X_gamma is selected as a subset of X. Here is how X_gamma is determined. Let's take g = 3. When we look at 'set[3,]', we have that column B is the only one with value != 0. Therefore, I select the column B in X, and that would be X_gamma.

My main problem is that IN REALITY, g = 13,000, and i = 700.

 library(doParallel) ## parallel backend for the foreach function

 T = 3
 c = 100

 X <- zoo(data.frame(A = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), B = c(0.4, 0.5, 0.6), C = c(0.7,0.8,0.9)),
     order.by = seq(from = as.Date("2013-01-01"), length.out = 3, by = "month")) 

 Y <- zoo(data.frame(Stock1 = rnorm(3,0,0.5), Stock2 = rnorm(3,0,0.5), Stock3 = rnorm(3,0,0.5)), 
    order.by = seq(from = as.Date("2013-01-01"), length.out = 3, by = "month"))

 l <- rep(list(0:1),ncol(X))
 set = do.call(expand.grid, l)
 colnames(set) <- colnames(X)

 I = diag(T)

 denom <- foreach(i=1:ncol(Y)) %dopar% {    

    result = c()
    for(g in 1:nrow(set)) {
        X_gamma = X[,which(colnames(X) %in% colnames(set[which(set[g,] != 0)]))]
        S_g = Y[,i] %*% (I - (c/(1+c))*(X_gamma %*% solve(crossprod(X_gamma)) %*% t(X_gamma))) %*% Y[,i] 
        result[g] = ((1+c)^(-sum(set[g,])/2)) * ((S_g)^(-T/2))

Thank you for your help!

like image 556
Mayou Avatar asked Sep 10 '13 16:09


People also ask

Which algorithm is faster for matrix multiplication?

In linear algebra, the Strassen algorithm, named after Volker Strassen, is an algorithm for matrix multiplication. It is faster than the standard matrix multiplication algorithm for large matrices, with a better asymptotic complexity, although the naive algorithm is often better for smaller matrices.

Why is matrix multiplication more efficient?

As matrices grow larger, the number of multiplications needed to find their product increases much faster than the number of additions.

Why is Matlab so fast in matrix multiplication?

Because MATLAB is a programming language at first developed for numerical linear algebra (matrix manipulations), which has libraries especially developed for matrix multiplications.

2 Answers

The most obvious problem is that you fell victim to one of the classic blunders: not preallocating the output vector result. Appending one value at a time can be very inefficient for large vectors.

In your case, result doesn't need to be a vector: you can accumulate the results in a single value:

result = 0
for(g in 1:nrow(set)) {
    # snip
    result = result + ((1+c)^(-sum(set[g,])/2)) * ((S_g)^(-T/2))

But I think the most important performance improvement that you could make is to precompute expressions that are currently being computed repeatedly in the foreach loop. You can do that with a separate foreach loop. I also suggest using solve differently to avoid the second matrix multiplication:

X_gamma_list <- foreach(g=1:nrow(set)) %dopar% {
  X_gamma <- X[, which(set[g,] != 0)]
  I - (c/(1+c)) * (X_gamma %*% solve(crossprod(X_gamma), t(X_gamma)))

These computations are now performed only once, rather than once for each column of Y, which is 700 times less work in your case.

In a similar vein, it makes sense to factor out the expression ((1+c)^(-sum(set[g,])/2)), as suggested by tim riffe, as well as -T / 2 while we're at it:

a <- (1+c) ^ (-rowSums(set) / 2)
nT2 <- -T / 2

To iterate over the columns of the zoo object Y, I suggest using the isplitCols function from the itertools package. Make sure you load itertools at the top of your script:


isplitCols let's you send only the columns that are needed for each task, rather than sending the entire object to all workers. The only trick is that you need to remove the dim attribute from the resulting zoo objects for your code to work, since isplitCols uses drop=TRUE.

Finally, here's the main foreach loop:

denom <- foreach(Yi=isplitCols(Y, chunkSize=1), .packages='zoo') %dopar% {
  dim(Yi) <- NULL  # isplitCols uses drop=FALSE
  result <- 0
  for(g in seq_along(X_gamma_list)) {
    S_g <- Yi %*% X_gamma_list[[g]] %*% Yi
    result <- result + a[g] * S_g ^ nT2

Note that I would not perform the inner loop in parallel. That would only make sense if there weren't enough columns in Y to keep all of your processors busy. Parallelizing the inner loop could result in tasks that are too short, effectively unchunking the computation and making the code run much slower. It's much more important to perform the inner loop efficiently since g is large.

like image 168
Steve Weston Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Steve Weston

I second @eddi that you should give some objects so we can run code. The following remarks are based on staring:

1) you could save S_g in a preallocated vector and do that last line ( ((1+c)^(-sum(set[g,])/2)) * ((S_g)^(-T/2)) ) out of the loop, since rowSums(set) will give you what you need. That removes one instance of indexing with g

2) indexing is slowing you down. Don't use which(). Logical vectors work just fine.

3) -T/2 is dangerous. It can mean -0.5. If that's what you want, then just do 1/sqrt(S_g_vec) for speed.

like image 23
tim riffe Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09

tim riffe