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Databricks: How do I get path of current notebook?

Databricks is smart and all, but how do you identify the path of your current notebook? The guide on the website does not help.

It suggests:

res1: Option[String] = Some(/Users/[email protected]/my_test_notebook)

This does not give me the complete path, but rather the path to some folder structure that is not accessible from the notebook. I need the path, such that I can make system calls in the same folder as the .ipynb file.

Any suggestions?

like image 843
Esben Eickhardt Avatar asked Nov 28 '18 16:11

Esben Eickhardt

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1 Answers

You can retrieve the information by using dbutils command:

like image 165
Federico Raimondi Cominesi Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10

Federico Raimondi Cominesi