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Combining Raphael and jQuery to achieve browser compatibility

Having discovered that IE does not handle javascript onmouseout, I'm determined to use jQuery instead so the cross-browser compatibility would be taken care of automatically. I am making an area defined by an svg path light up when the mouse hovers over it, and I adapted the code provided on the Raphael website from the Australia example.

In this code, each state of Australia is defined by a Raphael path, for example Tasmania:

 aus.tas = R.path("...").attr(attr);

This path ('st') is then passed to the function:

st[0].onmouseover = function () {

Contrary to what I would have expected, the code is st[0].onmouseover as opposed to merely st.onmouseover. Thus, the path must actually be an array, and st[0], whatever that is, is the thing that is hovered over.

In order to replace onmouseover with the jQuery equivalent (which I believe is .mouseout()), I need to assign a class to st[0] so I can refer to it with jQuery. My question is, how do I do that? If the code was st.onmouseover it would be straightforward, but why is the path (st) an array? What exactly is st[0]? And how the heck do I get to it?

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Bazley Avatar asked Oct 11 '10 18:10


3 Answers

Note: That demo was made with an old version of Raphael. Now Raphael has its own custom event handlers including .mouseover() and .hover().

The short of it:

Simply wrap the DOM Object to make a jQuery Object out of it, or use the Raphael built in custom event handlers:

$(st[0]).mouseover( ... );            // This uses the jQuery .mouseover() method

Or, probably more convenient, and IE supported:

$(st[0]).hover( ... );                //     This uses the jQuery .hover() method

Or, using a Raphael built in event handler method:

st.mouseover( ... );                 // This uses the Raphael .mouseover() method
st.hover( ... );                     //     This uses the Raphael .hover() method

The long of it:

You can get the reference to the DOM object to work on using node or [0], since RaphaelObject[0] is always the reference to the DOM element:

aus.tas = R.path("...").attr(attr);

// aus.tas is a Raphael object
// aus.tas[0] is aus.tas.node is the reference to the DOM Object

$(aus.tas[0]).mouseover(function() {          // Could have also use aus.tas.node

// Raphael now has custom event handlers
aus.tas.mouseover(function() {
aus.tas.hover(function() {
}, function() {

So, with you function:

(function (st, state) {
      // st is a Raphael Object
      // st[0] is st.node is the reference to the DOM Object

      // This is now using jQuery for mouseover!
    $(st[0]).mouseover(function() {
})(aus[state], state);

Additionally, I would suggest looking into the jQuery .hover() function, which does handle IE quite nicely:

(function (st, state) {
      // This is now using jQuery not Raphael for hover!
    $(st[0]).hover(function() {
        ... // the mouseenter function
    }, function() {
        ... // the mouseleave function
})(aus[state], state);

As a simplified demonstration, here is how to bind mouseenter and mouseout using .hover() to a Raphael element (tested in IE 8):

​$(function() {
    var elie, paper = Raphael("canvas", 500, 500); 

      // Create Raphael element
    elie = paper.rect(0,0,100,100).attr("fill","#000");

      // Get reference to DOM object using .node and bind
      //     mouseover and mouseout to it:
    $(elie[0]).hover(function() {
    },function() {

Try it out with this jsFiddle

Additionally, the Raphael .hover() method seem to work in IE too.

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Peter Ajtai Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 22:11

Peter Ajtai

You don't need to assign a class to it in order to expose it to jQuery. Certainly not. You can simply pass your DOM element to jQuery and it will do the magic for you...

$(st[0]).mouseout(function() {
  alert("That mouse is outta here!");

You are seeing the array syntax because that is generally how Javascript libraries maintain a reference to the original element (essentially just "wrapping" it and adding functionality). Pseudo-code explanation...

st == Raphael element
st[0] == DOM element
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Josh Stodola Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 22:11

Josh Stodola

If you end up just copying the code that's used by the Australia demo, you'll run into IE trouble no matter which handler (hover, mouseover, etc) you use.

After banging my head on it for a while, it seems that the st.toFront() in the hover in/out functions cancel the "mouse out" event in IE. Delete those lines from the example code and you should be fine.

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user641574 Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 21:11
