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Database data needed in integration tests; created by API calls or using imported data?

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Should integration tests use database?

Integration tests focus on testing how separate parts of the program work together. In the context of applications using a database, integration tests usually require a database to be available and contain data that is convenient to the scenarios intended to be tested.

What does integration testing require?

The aim of integration testing is to test the interfaces between the modules and expose any defects that may arise when these components are integrated and need to interact with each other.

How do you perform API integration testing?

API testing flow is quite simple with three main steps: Send the request with necessary input data. Get the response having output data. Verify that the response returned as expected in the requirement.

I prefer creating the test data using API calls.

In the beginning of the test, you create an empty database (in-memory or the same that is used in production), run the install script to initialize it, and then create whatever test data used by the database. Creation of the test data may be organized for example with the Object Mother pattern, so that the same data can be reused in many tests, possibly with minor variations.

You want to have the database in a known state before every test, in order to have reproducable tests without side effects. So when a test ends, you should drop the test database or roll back the transaction, so that the next test could recreate the test data always the same way, regardless of whether the previous tests passed or failed.

The reason why I would avoid importing database dumps (or similar), is that it will couple the test data with the database schema. When the database schema changes, you would also need to change or recreate the test data, which may require manual work.

If the test data is specified in code, you will have the power of your IDE's refactoring tools at your hand. When you make a change which affects the database schema, it will probably also affect the API calls, so you will anyways need to refactor the code using the API. With nearly the same effort you can also refactor the creation of the test data - especially if the refactoring can be automated (renames, introducing parameters etc.). But if the tests rely on a database dump, you would need to manually refactor the database dump in addition to refactoring the code which uses the API.

Another thing related to integration testing the database, is testing that upgrading from a previous database schema works right. For that you might want to read the book Refactoring Databases: Evolutionary Database Design or this article: http://martinfowler.com/articles/evodb.html

In integration tests, you need to test with real database, as you have to verify that your application can actually talk to the database. Isolating the database as dependency means that you are postponing the real test of whether your database was deployed properly, your schema is as expected and your app is configured with the right connection string. You don't want to find any problems with these when you deploy to production.

You also want to test with both precreated data sets and empty data set. You need to test both path where your app starts with an empty database with only your default initial data and starts creating and populating the data and also with a well-defined data sets that target specific conditions you want to test, like stress, performance and so on.

Also, make sur that you have the database in a well-known state before each state. You don't want to have dependencies between your integration tests.

Why are these two approaches defined as being exclusively?

  • I can't see any viable argument for not using pre-existing data sets, especially particular data that has caused problems in the past.

  • I can't see any viable argument for not programmatically extending that data with all the possible conditions that you can imagine causing problems and even a bit of random data for integration testing.

In modern agile approaches, Unit tests are where it really matters that the same tests are run each time. This is because unit tests are aimed not at finding bugs but at preserving the functionality of the app as it is developed, allowing the developer to refactor as needed.

Integration tests, on the other hand, are designed to find the bugs you did not expect. Running with some different data each time can even be good, in my opinion. You just have to make sure your test preserves the failing data if you get a failure. Remember, in formal integration testing, the application itself will be frozen except for bug fixes so your tests can be change to test for the maximum possible number and kinds of bugs. In integration, you can and should throw the kitchen sink at the app.

As others have noted, of course, all this naturally depends on the kind of application that you are developing and the kind of organization you are in, etc.

I've used DBUnit to take snapshots of records in a database and store them in XML format. Then my unit tests (we called them integration tests when they required a database), can wipe and restore from the XML file at the start of each test.

I'm undecided whether this is worth the effort. One problem is dependencies on other tables. We left static reference tables alone, and built some tools to detect and extract all child tables along with the requested records. I read someone's recommendation to disable all foreign keys in your integration test database. That would make it way easier to prepare the data, but you're no longer checking for any referential integrity problems in your tests.

Another problem is database schema changes. We wrote some tools that would add default values for columns that had been added since the snapshots were taken.

Obviously these tests were way slower than pure unit tests.

When you're trying to test some legacy code where it's very difficult to write unit tests for individual classes, this approach may be worth the effort.