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Data table has vector as an entry - how to find out in which column and then only take the second entry of vector as a single integer

I have a data table tmp, which can look like this (just a short example):

structure(list(`2020-03-29-00` = list(42.51, 0, 0, 0, 12.32), 
    `2020-03-29-01` = list(46.8, 0, 0, 0, 10.03), `2020-03-29-03` = list(
        c(46.8, 41.87), c(0, 0), c(0, 0), c(0, 0), c(10.03, 10.04
        )), `2020-03-29-04` = list(45.63, 0, 0, 0, 9.24), `2020-03-29-05` = list(
        40.86, 0, 0, 0, 9.06), `2020-03-29-06` = list(45.85, 
        0, 0, 0, 9.19), `2020-03-29-07` = list(43.68, 0, 0, 0, 
        10.39), `2020-03-29-08` = list(47.14, 0, 0, 0, 9.99), 
    `2020-03-29-09` = list(49.06, 0, 0, 0, 11.24)), row.names = c(NA, 
-5L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), .internal.selfref = <pointer: 0x0000015baf701ef0>)

Here we can see, that the third column ("2020-03-29-03") has vector entries. What I want is to take the second entry of this vector as a single integer entry. The vector-column (here: third column) isn't always on the same column-index. So, first we need to find out the place where the entry is a vector and then only taking the second entry of this vector.

In the end my data table should look like this:

structure(list(`2020-03-29-00` = list(42.51, 0, 0, 0, 12.32), 
    `2020-03-29-01` = list(46.8, 0, 0, 0, 10.03), `2020-03-29-03` = list(
        c(41.87), 0, 0, 0, c(10.04)), 
    `2020-03-29-04` = list(45.63, 0, 0, 0, 9.24), `2020-03-29-05` = list(
        40.86, 0, 0, 0, 9.06), `2020-03-29-06` = list(45.85, 
        0, 0, 0, 9.19), `2020-03-29-07` = list(43.68, 0, 0, 0, 
        10.39), `2020-03-29-08` = list(47.14, 0, 0, 0, 9.99), 
    `2020-03-29-09` = list(49.06, 0, 0, 0, 11.24)), row.names = c(NA, 
-5L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), .internal.selfref = <pointer: 0x0000015baf701ef0>)
like image 401
MikiK Avatar asked Aug 11 '21 08:08


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Video Answer

4 Answers

If you inspect tmp using str(tmp) or lapply(tmp, class) you will notice that all columns are list columns, even those where the vectors contain only one element.

Also, this can be disclosed by setting the appropriate print option

options(datatable.print.class = TRUE)
   2020-03-29-00 2020-03-29-01 2020-03-29-03 2020-03-29-04 2020-03-29-05 2020-03-29-06 2020-03-29-07 2020-03-29-08 2020-03-29-09
          <list>        <list>        <list>        <list>        <list>        <list>        <list>        <list>        <list>
1:         42.51          46.8   46.80,41.87         45.63         40.86         45.85         43.68         47.14         49.06
2:             0             0           0,0             0             0             0             0             0             0
3:             0             0           0,0             0             0             0             0             0             0
4:             0             0           0,0             0             0             0             0             0             0
5:         12.32         10.03   10.03,10.04          9.24          9.06          9.19         10.39          9.99         11.24

So, in case that all list columns need to be coerced to numeric we can pick the last value in each vector (which happens to be the second vector entry in column 3) by using the last() function:

tmp[, lapply(.SD, \(x) sapply(x, last)), .SDcols = is.list]
   2020-03-29-00 2020-03-29-01 2020-03-29-03 2020-03-29-04 2020-03-29-05 2020-03-29-06 2020-03-29-07 2020-03-29-08 2020-03-29-09
           <num>         <num>         <num>         <num>         <num>         <num>         <num>         <num>         <num>
1:         42.51         46.80         41.87         45.63         40.86         45.85         43.68         47.14         49.06
2:          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
3:          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
4:          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00          0.00
5:         12.32         10.03         10.04          9.24          9.06          9.19         10.39          9.99         11.24

Now, all columns are numeric.

like image 171
Uwe Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10


a quick and dirty method:

as.data.table(lapply(dt, \(x){
  if(length(x) == sum(lengths(x)))
    sapply(x, \(y)y[[2]])

Alternative, but using the in-place aspect of data.tables

for(i in names(dt)[sapply(dt, \(x)sum(lengths(x)) != length(x))]){
  set(dt, j = i, value = sapply(dt[[i]], \(y)y[[2]]))

Note that I use the new lambda function asepcts in R 4.1.0. Before you would have to use function(x) and function(y) in place of \(x) and \(y).

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Oliver Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10


try apply in loop by cols

for (col in colnames(tmp)) {
  tmp[,col] <- apply(tmp[,..col], 1, function(x) {
    # mean(unlist(x), na.rm = TRUE) ## if you want mean insted of second entry of this vector
    ifelse(is.na(unlist(x)[2]), unlist(x)[1], unlist(x)[2])

or just apply

tmp <- apply(tmp, c(1,2), function(x) {
  # mean(unlist(x), na.rm = TRUE)
  ifelse(is.na(unlist(x)[2]), unlist(x)[1], unlist(x)[2])
) %>% as.data.table() ## convert to data.table from matrix
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dy_by Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 20:10


This solution should be robust enough to handle your problem. It does automatically check, which cols need to be cleaned. If you want to specify certain rows, just change up cols_contain_vec to an vector of column indices.

# Find the relevant cols which contain vectors
# which cols contain max lengths over 1?
cols_contain_vec <- which(apply(tmp, MARGIN = 2,function(x) max(lengths(x))) > 1)

tmp[,cols_contain_vec] <- apply(
  tmp[,cols_contain_vec, with = FALSE],
  # separate function call for every row (1) and column(2)
  MARGIN = c(1,2),
  function(x) { # Return second entry if possible, for some reason the vectors are saved
                # as lists, so we have to unlist them
    relevant_vec <- unlist(x)
      # if vector length over 1, return second element
    } else {
      # if vector length is below 2 then return the first value

This results in the following:

> tmp
   2020-03-29-00 2020-03-29-01 2020-03-29-03 2020-03-29-04 2020-03-29-05 2020-03-29-06
1:         42.51          46.8         41.87         45.63         40.86         45.85
2:             0             0          0.00             0             0             0
3:             0             0          0.00             0             0             0
4:             0             0          0.00             0             0             0
5:         12.32         10.03         10.04          9.24          9.06          9.19
   2020-03-29-07 2020-03-29-08 2020-03-29-09
1:         43.68         47.14         49.06
2:             0             0             0
3:             0             0             0
4:             0             0             0
5:         10.39          9.99         11.24

I hope this helps.

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Sandwichnick Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 22:10
