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Data Binding as a design pattern

Where can I find a discussion of the Binding in a way similar to GoF?

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alex2k8 Avatar asked Mar 15 '09 18:03


People also ask

What is data binding with example?

Data binding can also mean that if an outer representation of the data in an element changes, then the underlying data can be automatically updated to reflect the change. For example, if the user edits the value in a TextBox element, the underlying data value is automatically updated to reflect that change.

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Data Binding allows you to effortlessly communicate across views and data sources. This pattern is important for many Android designs, including model view ViewModel (MVVM), which is currently one of the most common Android architecture patterns.

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2 Answers

Paul Stovell has an excellent discussion of Binding Oriented Programming. His website is offline right now, so the closest thing I could find was this article by him:


Here's the link to the original article, I was thinking of; I can't find a version of it in the way back machine, so hopefully his site will go back up soon!


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Gavin Miller Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 21:09

Gavin Miller

Data binding is a solution to the synchronization problem of the Presentation-Model pattern.

Found this article about it: http://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/PresentationModel.html

But I'm pretty confident you can find other sources on the internet.

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Julian Aubourg Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09

Julian Aubourg