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OOP: How do I deal with objects that have mutual relations?

Let's say there are two classes related to each other via some relations. For example, a Student maintains a list of the Classes he takes, and each Class has a list of Students taking it. Then I am afraid of letting the Student directly being able to modify its set of Classes, because each modification would have to be followed by a similar modification of a Class's list of Students, and vice versa.

One solution is to have a class whose sole purpose is to keep track of Class-Student relations, say Registrar. But then if some method in Student requires knowledge of its Class list, the Student needs to be passed the Registrar. This seems bad. It seems Student shouldn't have access to the Registrar, where it can also access other Students. I can think of a solution, creating a class that acts as a mediator between Student and Registrar, showing the Student only what it needs to know, but this seems possibly like overkill. Another solution is to remove from Student any method that needs to access its classes and put it instead in Registrar or some other class that has access to Registrar.

The reason I'm asking is that I'm working on a chess game in Java. I'm thinking about the Piece-Cell relations and the Piece-Player relations. If in the above example it wasn't OK for a Student to have access to the Registrar, is it OK here for a Piece to have access to the Board, since a Piece needs to look around anyway to decide if a move is valid?

What's the standard practice in such cases?

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user64480 Avatar asked Aug 13 '11 09:08


1 Answers

If relations can be changed - classes should be decoupled as much as possible, so along with each class create an interface, do not introduce tied relations between classes. High level of separation you can achieve using intermediate services/helpers which encapsulates logic of communication between classes, so in this case you should not inject one class to an other even both are abstracted by interfaces, basically Student does not know anything about Class, and Class does not know anything about Student. I'm not sure whether such complexity is makes sense in your case but anyway you can achieve it.

Here is you may find a useful design pattern Mediator which can encapsulate interaction logic between two decoupled entities, take a look at it.

With the mediator pattern, communication between objects is encapsulated with a mediator object. Objects no longer communicate directly with each other, but instead communicate through the mediator. This reduces the dependencies between communicating objects, thereby lowering the coupling.

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sll Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 07:11
