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Dart Map with String key, compare with ignore case



Does the Map class in Dart have a way to ignore case if the key is a string?


var map = new Map<String, int>(/*MyComparerThatIgnoresCase*/);
map["MyKey"] = 42;
var shouldBe42 = map["mykey"];

In C# the Dictionary constructor takes a comparer like the comment above. What is the canonical way to do this in Dart?

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Jonas Kello Avatar asked Jan 03 '15 12:01

Jonas Kello

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There is no case-insensitive string compare function (or string equality function for that matter) in Dart.

Is map key case-sensitive?

Map is one of the most common data structures in Java, and String is one of the most common types for a map's key. By default, a map of this sort has case-sensitive keys.

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2 Answers

The way to create a HashMap with a custom equals function (and corresponding custom hashCode function) is to use the optional parameters on the HashMap constructor:

new HashMap<String,Whatever>(equals: (a, b) => a.toUpperCase() == b.toUpperCase(),
                             hashCode: (a) => a.toUpperCase().hashCode);

I really, really recommend finding a way to not do the toUpperCase on every operation!

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lrn Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 03:10


You can also do this using package:collection's CanonicalizedMap class. This class is explicitly designed to support maps with "canonical" versions of keys, and is slightly more efficient than passing a custom equality and hash code method to a normal Map.

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Natalie Weizenbaum Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 04:10

Natalie Weizenbaum