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How to pass data from one provider model to another?

I want use provider (ChangeNotifierProvider) and ChangeNotifier for manage app state. But how I can access state from one model in another model?

Use case: In chat app, one model for store user information. Other model use user information (for example user id) to make call to database (Firestore) and get stream of chat data.

For example:

class Model1 extends ChangeNotifier {
  final List<Item> items = [];

class Model2 extends ChangeNotifier {
//Access items from Model1 here

Is this possible? I not like have very big Model because is hard to maintain.


like image 546
FlutterFirebase Avatar asked Jun 27 '19 20:06


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3 Answers

Using provider, one model doesn't access another model.

Instead, you should use ProxyProvider, to combine a model from others.

Your models would look like:

class Foo with ChangeNotifier {
  int count = 0;

  void increment() {

class Bar with ChangeNotifier {
  int _count;
  int get count => _count;
  set count(int value) {
    if (value != count) {
      _count = value;

And then you can use ChangeNotifierProxyProvider this way (assuming there's a `ChangeNotifierProvider higher in your widget tree):

ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<Foo, Bar>(
  initialBuilder: (_) => Bar(),
  builder: (_, foo, bar) => bar
    ..count = foo.count, // Don't pass `Foo` directly but `foo.count` instead
like image 53
Rémi Rousselet Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10

Rémi Rousselet

From v4 the ChangeNotifierProxyProvider the provider can be constructed like so:

ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<Foo, Bar>(
  create: (_) => Bar(),
  update: (_, foo, bar) => bar
    ..count = foo.count,

Notice that initialBuilder: has changed to create: and builder: to update:

like image 36
Iain Smith Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Iain Smith

I have tried to implement this simply.

Provider version ^4.3.3

Here i given a simple example


ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<AuthProvider, ProductsProvider>(
       create: (context) => ProductsProvider(),
       update: (context, auth, previousProducts) => previousProducts
            ..update(auth.token, previousProducts.items == null ? [] : previousProducts.items),


class AuthProvider with ChangeNotifier {
  String _token;
  // _token is a response token.
  String get token {
    return _token;


Product is a class of single product

class ProductsProvider with ChangeNotifier {
  List<Product> _items = [];
  String _authToken;
  void update(authToken, items) {
    _items = items;
    _authToken = authToken;


class Product with ChangeNotifier {
  final String id;
  final String title;
  final String description;
  final double price;
  final String imageUrl;
  bool isFavorite;

    @required this.id,
    @required this.title,
    @required this.description,
    @required this.price,
    @required this.imageUrl,
    this.isFavorite = false,
like image 1
Mijanur Rahman Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 17:10

Mijanur Rahman