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angular.dart NgTwoWay and NgAttr deprecated?

I have just started using Angular dart and Im going through the online tutorial with examples, and DartEditor is currently striking out NgAttr and NgTwoWay saying they are deprecated, is this the case? and if so what are they being replaced with? the auto docs don't say.

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Daniel Robinson Avatar asked Apr 19 '14 11:04

Daniel Robinson

3 Answers

NgAttr, NgOneWay, NgTwoWay, etc. were marked deprecated in preparation to the new bind-* syntax, which is not implemented, yet. So deprecation is arguably a bit premature, since there's no action for users to take, but I guess it is a first warning of the impending major breaking change.

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pavelgj Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 01:10


As of AngularDart 0.13.0, these attributes are no longer marked as deprecated.

As Pavel pointed out, the deprecation was premature. We may re-deprecate them when we have a better way of doing things, but for now you can use them without that nagging feeling that you are doing something wrong.

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James deBoer Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10

James deBoer

There is a new milestone for bind-* syntax which has issues discussing these changes, it may not be actually removed until 1.0 is what I feel.

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adarshaj Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 02:10
